recent reasons that Sylvia made us smile
fancy shoes and log rolls
Sylvia had her second session of "Tumbling Tots" last night. Last week she did her first log roll and her first forward roll with assistance by Miss Jody. This week she wanted no parts of Miss Jody! She spent the first 20 minutes afraid of everything except for watching the other kids. By the end she warmed up and had a lot of fun doing log rolls down the ramp with Mommy and Daddy, crawling through tunnels and tents, and climbing up the sliding board stairs before zooming down to Daddy. Also, she always likes the parachute balls and bubbles that come at the end. She spent the whole ride home saying "Log Rolls - Yeah!!". Maybe she can make friends with Miss Jody next week.
more peas with garlic
This video may be the last time Sylvia wears her beloved Elmo sweater :( I realized a few days ago that I can't ask her what she wants to wear, because she will always either grab that sweater or say "ELMO!". It has been very warm lately, so I thought we would be packing it away, but today was cool again, so one more time for Elmo!
I knew they were starting to teach the babies some sign language at daycare, but I didn't realize that Sylvia has been doing some of the sign language at home - I guess it is only effective if I learn it too! I fed her some peas for lunch with a little bit of garlic on (which she loved - she's definitely our child). She kept doing the sign for more. I got the video camera and got her to do a re-enactment. I wonder what else she has been saying in sign language...
very sweet Ally video
Click here: Ashley's School Fundraiser for Organ Donation
angels for Ally
The photo below was taken when we first arrived: before Sylvia decided that she would not be using her stroller :)
Here is little Ally playing with her cousins.
Sylvia had lots of fun before the walk taking Aunt Chrissy on her own mini-walks!
dancing with elmo
the early signs of an athlete
Sylvia and I were playing with her football and her carebare ball today, and despite her teething induced crankiness and getting hit in the head, she could not have been happier. In the second video, check out her moves while waiting for the ball - she reminds me of the little t-ball players in the outfield that are twirling around oblivious to the bat or ball. The third video is long but is probably my favorite video that I have ever taken of her (and I have taken a lot!). There is no better way to spend my time than listening to her laughter.
babbling in the bathtub
steady as she goes; well not quite
most beautiful baby in the world
sunny saturday
Our neighbors told us about a dairy down the street, so we went to try that out in the afternoon (a local dairy may mean trouble for an ice-cream addict like John..). After the ice-cream, John and Jill took Brock and Sylvia across the street to see lots of fun stuff: cows, bumble bees, and a giant tractor. The boys were in heaven.
We finished out the beautiful day with a trip to Manderach park. Sylvia didn't want to get off the swings, and Brock just didn't want to stop running from one thing to the next. I'm sure he and Sarah will both sleep well!
our baby ballerina
Sylvia can't quite walk yet, but she can certainly sing and dance. We have often seen her do a "sitting down" dance, usually when the rooster plays his song on the Playschool farm. However, we caught her on tape doing her first standing up ballet rehearsal. Enjoy the videos!
fear of doctors
daycare genius
I've realized that she is getting very good at mimicking tone and inflection in the voice of others, so that when she repeats you, even if the actual letters are way off, it still sounds like she is saying the same thing that you are. It is very cute. I will have to try to catch some of it on video. If she is in the right mood, she will attempt to repeat each letter of the alphabet and knows the sounds of several animals. By far, her favorite words right now remain "Dada" and "Elmo", (she has stopped saying "Melmo" in the last few weeks.)
I heard her say banana "Nana" for the first time this afternoon. She saw one on the counter, and screamed "Nana" over and over as she reached for it. I believe that is her favorite food of the moment, and it does change by the moment. At daycare today, she wanted only a bite or two of her lunch and snack food, which consisted of foods she normally loves: cottage cheese, a cheese stick, ravioli, and apple sauce. However, she managed to trade her cheese stick with the baby next to her and acquired some meat loaf, green beans, and macaroni. She certainly is a resourceful little girl!
Finally, I think I have figured out the trick to getting her shoes on. If I can get them most of the way on, then have her stand up, I can now tie them and she is set to lead me around the sidewalk outside. It is very tricky to get shoes on her little foot when Sylvia keeps her toes all curled up. I think she is getting the idea of shoes, and knows that is the only way I will let her stay outside, which she loves. She is also realizing that if she can sneak off then edge of the sidewalk there is much mud and hay, which are way more fun than sidewalk. I can keep her out of it now, but she will be walking on her own very soon, and things will get much more challenging. A few nights this week, Sylvia took steps on her own going between John and me. She was wobbly, but she was thrilled! It was big news, because she has insisted on holding onto furniture or someone else's hands with BOTH of her hands up until this week. It won't be long!!