On November 6th you turned 6 months and we first gave you cereal. It started well, but we have had some issues lately involving Daddy getting covered in baby puke, so we'll be taking this food stuff SLOWLY, and you seem to have lost interest in it all together, so it may take a while before you are eating all those new fruits and veggies!!
Today you had your first time in a "real" swing (loved it!!) and your first time playing in leaves (not too sure about that). I had so much fun taking your pictures with Sylvie - you girls are so cute and amazing to watch as you try things for the first time.
Sylvie, you had a busy day. You started with your standard miniwheats, which has been your breakfast of choice for the last month or so. You requested "orange juice in a sponge bob cup" as you do every day. Unfortunately, we're out of orange juice and you know what Mommy always says about the cups ("You get what you get, and you don't get upset!"). You seem to be ok with that saying, because although you request that sponge bob cup EVERY DAY, you don't seem to really care what you end up using.
We went to the park and you were very tolerant letting me take 1002 photos. You're no longer afraid of the slides or the ramps with holes or anything else - my brave little 2 yr old. You even snuck up the ladder yourself when I wasn't looking. The only part you didn't like was leaving. You wanted to "explore the acorns" and "fall on the leaves" a little longer. I think you'd have stayed all day!
This evening, after we put Stella to bed, you "built a deck" with your blocks. You told me that your favorite part of the day was drawing on the big paper that Daddy brought home for you to color with crayons (his old drawings from work). That was probably Stella's favorite part too. I let her play with the edge of the paper as you colored so she could practice sitting, and she LOVED crumbling up your creations (sorry Sylvie!).
Love you both and will try to update more often :)