
boil your Easter eggs Early!

So, the day before Easter was kind of a disaster.

I rushed to get the eggs boiled so we could get to an Easter play at church that my friend's son was in and totally undercooked the eggs, which I didn't realize until we were about to dye them at 8 pm that night.

Turns out we had the wrong day for the play.  And my friend's son isn't even in it.  But the Saturday night church service was lovely - or at least it was from my perspective from the lobby with a loud, loud little Stella (and a quiet little Jeremy).

Just before we dyed the eggs we also realized the package said that the dye would come off in the refrigerator.  Really?  REALLY?

So John got new dye at CVS, while I boiled more eggs, and the girls slipped into that dangerous land called "PAST BED-TIME".

There were screams and tears, but lots of smiles too, and we ended up with beautiful eggs.

The Easter Bunny brought our precious little ones lots of surprises, and we spent Easter with lots of family and wonderful people. 

Remind me to boil the eggs a few days ahead next year!!


Lots of love, 


welcome with love, baby Alice, 4-19-11

Dear baby Alice:

We haven't met you yet, but we love you oh, so much already. 

 I know you have drawers filled with beautiful dresses and that you don't need tiny tutus, fancy hats, or pretty dresses, but I got you some of each.

Jeremy is especially excited to meet you.  He has a feeling that his big sisters will be bossing him around alot, and he is looking forward to having a little buddy to hang out with.

I cannot wait to meet you baby girl!!

Lots of love, 

Aunt Keri


Weigh-In week 7: Spring is in the Air

i love pictures that tell a story, so here's a little story:

but there were also moments laughing around the trees

and playing in the bubbles

Spring is here! Happy Easter.

I have some Easter pics to share that tell a few stories too...but I'll save that for another day.

quick WW update: lost 1 more pound last week (yay!) have been very bad this week (boo!). Jeremy is going through some kind of major growth spurt and has been trying to eat every half hour, leaving me very hungry too. I think if I eat more this week, that is ok. However, eating McDonald's and chocolate and not tracking them ......probably not so good. Fingers crossed I don't gain 10 pounds next week!

this week: down 1 more pound total: 14 pounds

Lots of love,  Keri


Weigh in week 6: boys, shoes, and baby toes

This week Sylvia made a picture for a boy in her class.  It was a carefully colored page of a little girl and a little boy that was holding flowers behind his back.  She talks about this boy ALL THE TIME.  If she sees the letter T, she tells me AGAIN that his name starts with a T.  She sees something white and tells me his favorite color is white.  When I was taking the picture above, I told her to think of the boy to make her smile.  We are in SO much trouble.

These are the shoes Stella likes to wear with tutus. 

 And sweat pants.  And rain jackets and winter coats.  She wore them all day yesterday, including time spent gardening and blowing bubbles in the yard and chasing her sister around trees.  Then she wore them to bed.  All night.  They fall off 26 times a day because they're two sizes too big.  I'm not sure they'll be around by the time they fit, but aren't they cute?!

Jeremy had his weigh-in today.  The doctor said he was at the top of the food chain :)  He is now 12 pounds 12 ounces, which was 75th percentile weight and his length was 90th percentile.  There was a little 3 week old girl in the office, and I think she was about the size of one of Jeremy's legs - she looked so tiny!  He is healthy and happy (except for the 4 shots he had to get :(  The girls were both big helpers.  When I took off J's socks, Stella examined each of his toes and screamed out "OH YUCKY" each time she found a little sock fuzz.  Jeremy's toes are now very clean.  All went well until the way out when Stella realized that one of the band-aids on Jeremy was a Dora band-aid.  She was trying to rip it off poor Jeremy's thigh as I put him in his carseat.  I've GOT to start carrying some Dora band-aids in my purse.  Remind me before the next outing, ok?

some long overdue videos of sweet baby J (These 4 videos were all taken in the first 2 weeks of April, and they're all adorable, so watch them all!):

1) Here is Jeremy smiling at me
2) Jeremy LOVING his mobile
3) Jeremy in his crib with his sisters trying to climb up to see him
4) Jeremy laying on his changing table babbling

week 6: down 2 more pounds    total: 13 pounds

Lots of love, 


Weigh in week 5: Busy, busy, busy

I often think we are very busy in our house, but I have no idea what we accomplish each day!

We had all three kids at the Phillies game on Sunday and all three had a great time.  Well, I'm not sure Jeremy knew he was ever there, but he had a great nap anyway.

The girls both started soccer again on Saturday.  Sylvia was THRILLED.  Not just for soccer, but because she was moving up from the grasshopper class to the bumble bee class. 

Sylvia was finally able to design some of her Barbie dresses that she got for her birthday.  She was excited when we had a rainy afternoon this week, and I let her work on the wedding gown.  Her Barbie had to postpone the wedding two times before that because the weather was too nice to stay indoors and decorate a dress! 

Stella had a big week - she moved up into the "big girl" toddler bed.

Of course, that is only because she fell out of her crib during naptime on Saturday.  She gave me a heart attack, but Stella appear to be fine, and the big girl bed is working out great.

Jeremy is a very relaxed little baby, as long as his tummy is full!  At 2 months he is in size 3-6 month clothing, and is moving into size 2 diapers.

He eats every 3 hours during most of the day, switches to every 2 hours in the evening, and if I'm really lucky, goes 4-6 hours for the first stretch of the night. 

He has just started to really smile, and I have 2 adorable videos to post soon.  But for now, I'll just post all of these adorable photos :)   Lots and lots more here.

For the last weigh-in, I was only down 0.5 pounds.  Moving in the right direction, but I feel like the Yo Gabba Gabba song that Sylvia sings "baby steps, baby steps".  The second verse of the song is "Great Big Giant Steps..."  Hopefully that will be the song for next week.

Here is the chicken recipe I used tonight.  I always look through multiple recipes to find the right temp and time to bake this - now I have it here:

3 boneless skinless chicken breasts cut in half
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup mustard (I used 1/8 cup stone ground and 1/8 cup wasabi mustard)
2 T butter (necessary??)
big squirt of lemon juice

Spray 9x13 baking pan with cooking spray and put chicken in.  Add butter, honey, mustard, and lemon juice in bowl, microwave about one minute until butter is melted and mix.  Spoon over chicken.
Bake at 375 for 40 minutes. When there is about 10 minutes left, flip chicken over and spoon sauce from bottom of pan over top of chicken.

Love this and I think each 1/2 breat is 6 points.  The recipe I used for the salmon last week was similar, but with horseradish.  I'll post that one next time around.

Week 5:  0.5 pounds  Total:  11 pounds

Lots of love, 


Time flies!

We love you little Remy!  I cannot believe how much he changes EVERY DAY!!
below:  5 days, 1 month, 2 months

Lots of love, 



stolen moments

I had a few little moments tonight...

in between changing Jeremy's diaper and getting him into pj's where I could take a photo or two. 

I didn't have long because we needed to get the girls ready for bed too.

John needed the changing table to get Stella ready.

We have a waiting line for diaper changes these days. 

 But a few little moments...

can be very special.

Sweet Shot Day

Lots of love, 