On the day before Sylvie turned 5, we all celebrated with a princess party, complete with necklace-making, nail-painting, and deck dancing.

All of her best girlfriends from pre-school were there, as well as a neighbor play-date buddy.

She's been looking forward to turning 5 since, well, since forever. Let me tell you, I think this is going to be a big year.
All of her best girlfriends from pre-school were there, as well as a neighbor play-date buddy.
She's been looking forward to turning 5 since, well, since forever. Let me tell you, I think this is going to be a big year.

Earlier this week, she wowed some moms at a party where she read some game instructions intended for the adults. I didn't hear exactly what she read, but there were big words involved, and they wanted to know what I was doing with her that she could read soooo well. Hooked on phonics? No, that's just Sylvie-girl. Amazing :)
After class this week, her teacher came up to me to tell me that Sylvia is "just delightful." She said that Sylvie and her friend make the best little team. (I took the dance photos a few weeks ago when we were allowed to observe - they do make a cute team, don't they?!)
After pre-school this week, Sylvia's teacher came up to me to tell me that she has the sweetest little singing voice and is almost always on pitch (she MUST get that from Daddy's side). She said that Sylvia should definitely take music lessons if she shows any interest in instruments. I later found out that Sylvia was chosen with one other girl to have little singing solos in the pre-school graduation. (shhhhh....it's a secret!)
Date to be determined.
So...in her first week or so as a 5 yr old, she wowed people with her reading, dancing, and singing skills. Iit's going to be a great year!!
xoxo Keri