Today the world is a sadder place to have lost such a spunky, courageous, funny little girl.

She touched so many people's lives, and many never even met her. I am so lucky to have had many days with her to play Little Mermaid Old Maid, dress her little princess dolls with plastic clothing (I wasn't too good at that one), play at the park, and watch John play games with her and Ashley that involved him wearing earrings and jewels, but sharing the purple ones with Ally, because those were her favorite.
Photo below was at Christmas time a few years ago:
This photo was the first time Ally met Sylvia in summer of 2007:

It feels impossible to say good bye to such a bright little light and indescribable to watch my friend go through so much pain.
Early 2004:
A link to Ally's tribute video: