Then tonight, I opened the door to her room where we had just tucked her into her crib, found her standing at the door, and just like that, her crib days are over. She showed us how she did it, and although she claims to have landed on part of her "rocking elephant" toy, she does not seem to have been injured. While I know she would try it again if we put her back in there, I am not convinced she could do it without injury. We set up a temporary bed on the floor, and used a dimmer switch to create a night-light out of her lamp (thanks Chrissy-Mark!).

We were considering getting a little toddler bed and setting her up in her new room (aka Grammy's room) for her birthday, but it looks like she didn't want to wait that long. Happy early birthday little girl - looks like you are moving on up to a Big Kid Bed!!