Time flies! I can't believe it has been over 3 months since we brought little Stella home. I remember just after she was born, the nurse was trying to tell Dr. Touey something, and he said "I just can't hear you, I'm holding a screaming baby here!". There is nothing like hearing those loud healthy screams from your child for the very first time, and it seems like it was really just yesterday! I think we have lots of video to share from that day (although I only just charged my battery from my video camera today for the first time since then, so I will have to post that later.)
For now I wanted to post a photo of my smiling little 3-month-old, who now sleeps 6 or 7 hours in a row each night (yay!), loves going to story times with her big sister (loves just watching her big sister!), and spends her days giving the best, huge, gooey smiles: