Today was so much fun. The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed it. This morning I took Sylvia to check out a "pre" Pre-school. She loved it, so that's a go. She then played with play dough until our backyard picnic. Tonight I asked her what her favorite part of the day was and she said "Playing with Stella's new swing". Translation: Sylvia's old noisy swing that I brought up from the basement.

I was a little worried about even using the swing because I remember Sylvia getting scared of the noises, but Stella just loves the noises and whacks the toys like she is playing "whack-a-mole". She does not like actually swinging in it, and does not relax there at all, but she does like sitting up and hitting the toys that are attached. Sylvia likes it because she trys to sing along with the music. An even bigger success than I knew; it was definitely not what I expected Sylvie to say was her favorite thing of the day.

When she asked me, I told her that my favorite thing was watching her walk up to the nursery school director and saying "Hi, my name is Sylvia." I think she said it a few more times too during the tour as she walked holding the lady's hand. I can't believe she is only 2!

When I asked her what the worst part of the day was, she said crying.
me: but I don't think you cried at all. Sylvia: no, Stella crying! ha! When Stella was crying in her bouncy seat today, Sylvia offered to change her into a chicken with her magic wand. I requested she turn her into a smiling baby, but Sylvia said no. She told me my only options were a crying baby or a mad baby.

Sweet Stella definitely had her happy moments today too. She is getting much better with tummy time, and will even smile now as she holds her head up - at least for a minute or two. She almost rolled back to front the other day, even though she hasn't gone front to back yet....That little girl is determined to be mobile asap. I just want her to stay my little baby.