The morning before Easter we went to a "breakfast with the Easter bunny" event, which was great. Music, crafts, fabulous face painting, breakfast, and dancing with the Easter bunny

(or screaming as you meet the Easter bunny, in Stella's case!). Stella did have a good time too, bopping to the music and screaming to the Easter bunny (she was very excited by him as long as he was a foot or two away.)

That night we dyed eggs, which we also "sparkled". We had a great time and have some spare egg dye, so we may have to have an Easter Egg dying party later this summer....why not?!

We went to Grammy and Pop-pop's for Easter dinner of salmon and asparagus. Yum! The weather felt like summer, and I loved every second of it!

Lots of fun lately, playing inside and out, dressing in play clothes, and trying out fun summer outfits. Looking forward to some more of that sunshine!