I always used to wonder how my mom could tell if I had a fever by putting her hand on my forehead. I could never do that...until I had kids. Maybe it is some magic mom skill like having eyes in the back of your head. I've got those now too - ask Sylvia!!
Sylvie hasn't been to the doctor for being sick in 2 years and Stella has never been....until today. Both girls got sick at the end of last week (just in time for Halloween) and were put on antibiotics today for upper respiratory infections. Let the healing begin! Poor things have been so miserable. Good thing I got some pictures early last week.

I've always loved the girls' pediatrician. He is super knowledgeable, including how my medicines and such for Crohn's could impact the babies and the breast-feeding process, and he has a close working relationship with Childrens Hosp of Philadelphia, which is awesome. However, we've been less than thrilled with the office. It has been challenging to get flu shots there, the front office staff is not all fabulous, there is only one doctor there now, and today they screwed up Stella's prescription. Somehow, between pregnancy brain and dealing with two cranky, sleepy, sick children I caught the mistake, but just barely, and that really freaked me out. Stella's antibiotics dose was twice what it should be and the pharmacy showed me the paperwork to prove they filled it exactly according to the physician assistant's directions....which was wrong!!! Ugh, I hate to be finding a new baby doctor just as the new baby is on the way, but that's too much. We've had issues with antibiotics before with accurate dosage - thank goodness the kids have been so healthy.
The girls were excited for Trick or Treating despite not feeling 100%. We all dressed up (thanks for the pirate stuff Brock!!), and along with Grammy Lou, Uncle Mark, and Aunt Chrissy, we visited the closest houses. The kids haven't been interested in candy yet, but they did have fun. We celebrated with hot cocoa afterwards, of which Sylvie would only have one sip and Stella refused to try, even when we told her it was her beloved "Yoo Hoo". Oh well. Hopefully, we'll be celebrating full recoveries and full night sleeps with candy and cocoa by week's end :) As I write this, Sylvie is resting for the first night without taking Tylenol in several days, and Stella has made enough sad coughing sounds in her bed to earn her a comfy spot on the sofa next to Daddy to watch the World Series. I think she faked a few coughs to cheer those Texas Rangers on. As Sylvie said, "We're the Tex's, so those are our Rangers, right? That's our team!" Anyone playing those creepy Giants is our team; Go Rangers :)

Sylvie posing with her teacher and friends after her school parade:
Here we are with our neighbor boy - not sure if he is scared of my hook or Peter Pan's legs!!:
Lots of love,