
12 days of Christmas

Last weekend was huge - we got our tree, decorated our tree, and made our visit to see Santa.  Sylvie cut down the tree with Uncle Mark, and I think it is perfect.  It fits just right in the corner of our family room. Now that it is decorated, cookie monster hangs out near the bottom with a beautiful fairy, and big bird sits high above with the sparkly angel.  In between there are lots of personalized family ornaments, soccer balls, guitars, princesses, and lots and lots of shiny and sparkly balls.  Here is Sylvia's guided tour of the tree:

Just before we took our trip to see Santa, Sylvia said she was worried about next year.  "Santa only has 2 legs, not 3, where is baby brother going to sit?"  She then informed me that she would let Santa know what Stella wants because Stella is too little and doesn't know what she wants.  She's got this big sister thing mastered. 

In the end Stella hyperventilated a little and screamed a lot, so I have no idea what Santa and Sylvia talked about.  I know she let him know which pillow pets she and Stella each wanted.  Last night she made this list:
Sylvia:  Pillow Pet, Doll, CD, Ball, Ruler, Tools, Surprises
Stella:  Doll, Pillow Pet, Surprises

She told me this morning that she had two additions:  a horse names Thumpy and a robot. Luckily, I know these fall way below pillow pet in order of priority

I leave you with two ridiculously cute videos of Daddy and his girls singing the 12 days of Christmas.  If you're reading this in e-mail, it is definitely worth going to the blog to see these videos.  There is nothing better in the world :)


Lots of love, 


Christmas cheer

We went to a beautiful Christmas musical Sunday night at the church where Sylvie goes to pre-school.  Our neighbor and some of Sylvia's pre-school friends were in it, and both girls really liked watching.  Stella was amazingly well-behaved through a 1.5 hour show for a 1.5 year old.  Sylvia may end up debuting in her first musical this time next year - mark your calendars now :)

I love, love, love this time of year for a million reasons, and it is really, really fun to have the girls to share the excitement with.  Stella loves the lights and the music, and Sylvie loves all the decorations and projects.  She knows all my secrets for presents :)  I'm not sure how well she'll keep them, but it's sooo much fun to let her in on the presents and projects, so I don't mind if a few slip out. 

Sylvia has been asking me for days to hang up the stockings, because she couldn't remember what hers looked like.  I finally got them up late this week.  When I asked Sylvia what she thought, she said, "I think I'm gonna cry!".  We've been listening to Christmas music almost non-stop.  Sylvia sings a lot of them now, and Stella joins in on one particular one....the dogs barking to jingle bells.  Sylvia was listening to that one closely the other day.  "The dogs are singing?....wow!"  Then she listened for a little while and said "Wow, they're playing the guitar too!".  

Tonight after the girls were in their pj's they listened to my favorite Christmas CD of all time - John Denver and the muppets.  They were unbelievably cute dancing to the songs - I HAVE to get them on video next time.  And we found the second Christmas song Stella will sing along with - she sings the part of Beaker in the 12 days of Christmas "Me me me me me me me". 

Quick baby update:  He is moving ALL the time and you can frequently see my belly dancing these days.  I had a doctor appt last night with Sylvie's favorite doctor, so the girls and John went along because Sylvia knew Dr. Barton would let her help and operate the doppler machine.  My blood pressure and weight gain were great and baby's heart beat was perfect.  He was moving all around even as we listened to his heart.  8 weeks from tomorrow is the scheduled day - although someone just told me today how their baby boy decided to come a week or so before his "scheduled day".  Something tells me these 8 weeks are going to fly by... 

Lots of love, 