Sylvia has been asking me for days to hang up the stockings, because she couldn't remember what hers looked like. I finally got them up late this week. When I asked Sylvia what she thought, she said, "I think I'm gonna cry!". We've been listening to Christmas music almost non-stop. Sylvia sings a lot of them now, and Stella joins in on one particular one....the dogs barking to jingle bells. Sylvia was listening to that one closely the other day. "The dogs are singing?!" Then she listened for a little while and said "Wow, they're playing the guitar too!".
Quick baby update: He is moving ALL the time and you can frequently see my belly dancing these days. I had a doctor appt last night with Sylvie's favorite doctor, so the girls and John went along because Sylvia knew Dr. Barton would let her help and operate the doppler machine. My blood pressure and weight gain were great and baby's heart beat was perfect. He was moving all around even as we listened to his heart. 8 weeks from tomorrow is the scheduled day - although someone just told me today how their baby boy decided to come a week or so before his "scheduled day". Something tells me these 8 weeks are going to fly by...
Lots of love,
The part about what Sylvia said about the stockings...PRICELESS! I can't believe our baby boy Tex will be here in less than two months. It seems that time has just flown by (well for those of us who aren't carrying him in our belly)! Big Hugs and Kisses to Mommy, Daddy, Sylvie & Stella...and our little boy too!
ReplyDeleteLove you, Aunt Mel