may your heart always be joyful and may your song always be sung... B. Dylan
Full term, baby!!
I have soooo many videos and pictures of the girls to post - hopefully I'll be able to sneak in a few updates before little man arrives. We had a wonderful Christmas, and have been spending as much quality time with the girls as possible. John helped Sylvie build her bird house, he made brownies with both girls last weekend, and this past week, they had some fun times in the snow. Lots and lots of photos to come!
I have 2 different doctor's appointments on Monday, plus an extra visit to officially schedule the c-section (almost definitely on 2-2-11), plus a check-up for Stella, which includes the 2nd round of flu shots for both girls. I cannot even tell you how much I am dreading that. For the first flu shots, they almost had to come restrain can only get better.
I had my last check-up for the baby last Monday, which went great. He is in position, I am effaced and 1/2 cm dilated, he is measuring average, my blood pressure is low, and everything is really going well. He moves all the time (I was just watching my belly dance a minute ago!), which is wonderful peace of mind.
Stella has now moved in with her big sis, and they share the "girls' room." I have most of baby brother's clothes washed and just need to get it all organized. I cannot believe I am 37 weeks (that is considered full term!) and have at most, 2 1/2 weeks left. Ahh! I'm definitely in nesting mode. Unfortunately, I'm also worn out and surrounded by Christmas decorations that need to be packed up, so it is slow going.
I've officially given up gluten, and all traces of the skin irritations I was having are gone. I'm not sure if gluten has ever impacted any of my other joint issues or Crohn's symptoms, but it is definitely worth a shot - although I will miss pizza and cookies :)
So anyway, here is a video of Sylvia leading an exercise class, that I just love. Having a personal trainer should come in handy when I am looking to drop those baby pounds in a few weeks, and I'm up for any session that is this much fun: