Jeremy's Christmas Present

Christmas came early for Jeremy Maxwell - Santa brought his first front tooth this morning! He is 10.5 months old now. Jeremy started clapping at 9 months and is very close to crawling at 10 months (although gets around be rocking, rolling and scooting). He sleeps very well at night, usually from 8 to 7 or so, but fights off naps as much as he can. He loves playing "singing / yelling" games with his sisters, being carried around on Mommy's hip, and getting scooped up by Daddy (who he calls "Ah-Dah") when John gets home from work. He is a super mellow, happy little guy who spends most of his time happily playing with his toys and watching the world from his little spot on the floor. He has decided he absolutely hates being buckled into his high chair and car-seat. He straightens his little body and screams like he is being pinched, but really, he is a mellow little man, I swear. He is not a fan of any foods with textures yet. He gags and then Sylvia gags, and it just isn't much fun. So for now, he is sticking with his baby mush foods, and maybe that tooth will help with the big boy foods :)

Lots of love,