I wrote this post a few weeks back, but it never posted. My sweet girlie back when she was still 2:
Stella is normally my sweet little morning monkey, sooo thrilled to eat her breakfast with a smile.

This week she must have been taking lessons from her sleepy big sis, because she was not quite herself, but pretty funny anyway.
Stella is normally my sweet little morning monkey, sooo thrilled to eat her breakfast with a smile.
This week she must have been taking lessons from her sleepy big sis, because she was not quite herself, but pretty funny anyway.
Day 1 as she sits down to eat: "Ha, ha, ha, ha, I NO LIKE you!" (in her sweetest singing voice).
me: Well I will always LOVE you!
Stella: I love YOU, Mommy
(maybe she was just messing with me before I had my coffee - it wouldn't take much :)
Day 2: Stella sits down, turns to look at me, and makes the meanest face she can at me, scrunched up nose and squinty eyes
me: Why are you looking at me like that??
Stella: Because I love you!
alrighty then
Day 3: me: Stella, what would you like for breakfast?
Stella with fingers in ears: Mommy, I put fingers in my ears so you are not talking anymore!
xoxo Keri