Today Daddy was on a business trip, so the girls decided to play. We met up with Grammy and Brock at the pool and Sylvia had an awesome day. I think her favorite part was grabbing Brock's hand to take a walk. I heard people remark "oh look, he is taking his little sister for a walk". With those blue eyes and matching T-shirts (brand new souvenirs from Grammy and Pop-pop) they did look like siblings.

I spent a lot of time explaining to Brock that the dark area on the ground was his shadow, which was next to Sylvie's shadow and Aunt Keri's shadow. Later I saw him pointing to puddles, and telling Sylvia "Look, there is your shadow." :)

For dinner we stopped at McDonalds (for the first time ever?!) and Sylvia played on the playground
forever. She mastered the baby slide and was really wanting to go on the big-kid slide...maybe next time.

When we got home, Sylvia pulled this hat out of the drawer and decided to make one final fashion statement of the day. We definitely miss Daddy when he is away, but the girls know how to have fun!!