You've gotta love the shots of Brock showing Sylvia how to use a whoopie cushion. He is such a boy....and she is his little shadow.

Everyone had lots of fun at the party. I can't believe Brock is 3 already, as of Aug 19th (and Grammy will turn ?3 on that same day :)

Unfortunately, I missed the shots of the kids on the slip and slide. Sylvia loved crawling and slipping up and down in her little bloomers (luckily Aunt Sarah had a new outfut for her to wear after hers got soaked), and the guys took turns tossing Brock down the mat.

You can just barely see Brock's present from Grammy and Pop-pop in the background - a new swing set! In addition, he got lots of trucks, moon sand, and a new bike, among other things.