Lots of great big milestones for the Tex family over the last few days. 1. I felt the baby - with my hand on my stomach :) I don't know if he has had a growth spurt or just been in a good position, but I felt baby boy from the outside while laying in my bed watching TV on Friday night...Yay!
Baby's first photo from when I was 12 weeks - he has grown so much:
2. Sylvie felt the baby! She was next to me Saturday afternoon when I started feeling those feisty kicks again, and after a few patient tries....success! She was a bit weirded out, but is now excited for whenever the next time rolls around.
3. Stella took her nap in her big girl bed today. Sylvie has been BEGGING for Stella to take naps with her in the room they will soon share, and I gave in a few times last week. Each time I tucked a little smirking Stella into bed and as soon as I would leave the room, she was up and about and ready to destroy the room. Syvlie kept begging me to give her "JUST ONE MORE CHANCE!", but Stella ended up in her crib each time...until today. Both girls took great naps in the same room. Now, Sylvie is begging for me to let Stella sleep the night in there....one step at a time. I am not in a rush to set Stella free from her crib!
4. Stella went pee pee on the potty!! Before bath-time, just as I used to do with Sylvia, I have been putting Stella on her little potty. She never lasted more than 2 seconds until tonight, when she actually sat there 5 minutes or so until she went. Stella was very confused about what happened, but you would have thought Sylvie won the lottery. She kept shouting "oh, my goodness, Yay, Stella, Yay!" Every teeny tiny potty-training milestone MUST be celebrated :)
(The photos in this post are just a few from over the summer that I never got around to organizing or posting.)
Lots of love,