This morning when Stella woke up, Sylvie came with me to get her out of the crib and gave her great big hugs. Stella, as always, looked like a poor, shaggy little dog who couldn't see (did you see the video in the last post?!). Sylvie looked up and said to me "Mom, I like it better when Stella doesn't have her pony tail in. She is more cuddly." More cuddly? "Yeah, she's softer!" May you both always have as many cuddly hugs as you wish....
Today, when Sylvie came out of her classroom, I thought she was stealing someone else's cute little butterfly bag (the girl loves butterflies!). It was her new prize for having so many good behavior days for the month of September. She was soooo proud, and walked out to the car smiling ear to ear. On the way home, she told me one other little boy got a "Cars" T-shirt. I asked her what the other kids picked, and she said "Mom, it doesn't matter. No one else got the coolest prize, because I got the coolest prize." May you always have such confidence!
Sylvie stood so nicely for me to take her picture with that coolest prize, but Stella just wanted more hugs.....and in the end, I got cute pictures of the hugs And the bag.
May you always be so patient with your little sister (and brother) and so happy with the little things in life :)
Lots of love,