Jeremy is a sweet little baby with incredible bright blue eyes. He is showing signs of being a good sleeper, with occasional stretches of 4 hours between feedings, and is gaining weight quickly. We realized early on that we needed to move up from newborn diapers to size 1 right away, which helped minimize those wet onesies. We also successfully managed to care for his belly buton cord until it fell off just before he turned a month and heal up a terrible diaper rash that caused Jeremy to cry out in pain :( I am very thankful to our reliable Triple Paste diaper cream and think very little of the super expensive, prescription cream Vue.
Jeremy has now had his first "real" bath, which he wasn't thrilled about, but fortunately, he loves the baby-carrier. That thing has certainly gotten a lot of use over the last few years!
He rolled over three times in a row while doing tummy time on the toddler bed. I'm not sure if it was because it is easier to roll over on the bed or just some crazy fluke. I'd think I was halucinating in some delirious sleep-deprived state, but Sylvie and my mom both witnessed a couple of those rolls. I need to try some more belly time on that toddler bed, but the times I've put him on the floor he has not gone anywhere, barely lifting his head up. Maybe I ate extra spinach that day.
Jeremy seems to be very mellow while being held, but has a horrible way of holding his breath and crying in a frantic, full of panic way when he wants to be held. I'd think he was in some horrible pain, except that he instantly calms when picked up. Except for those occasional gas pains that seem to strike the worst at 4:30 in the morning, I think he is a very happy little guy. He smiles often (although totally random and accidental at this point), and I've heard a few laughs as he dreams. It reminds me of the song John Denver sings on the Chrismas with the Muppets CD:
~Like a baby when it is sleeping
In it's mother's loving arms
what a newborn baby dreams is a mystery~
I'm 99% sure that Jeremy is dreaming of eating :)
Lots of love, Keri