I started Weight Watchers online program March 1st to shed this baby weight, and the grocery list included blackberries, blueberries, spinach, and sweet potatoes. I guess even if I don't get the weight off I'll be fighting off bad diseases. Win-win :)
So, I traded in cheese for lots of fruits and veggies and traded in juice for hot tea. This is my favorite tea of the moment (Wild Sweet Orange Tazo Tea):
You can get it at Target, among other places. No need for any sugar or honey, which helps with the WW points :)
So, week one down 4.5 pounds. Yay!
p.s. whatever I said about Jeremy showing signs of being a good sleeper has jinxed a good thing. The last two nights were not good. The healthy eating must be giving me extra energy because I think I got a total of 3.5 hours of sleep last night, spread out in spurts throughout the night. Hope naps go well today...
Lots of love,