She throws temper tantrums like no other 2 year old, but gives the sweetest little kisses 2 minutes later. She tells me "you look bootiful, mommy" almost every day, and never misses a "thank oo", "bess oo" or "I love joo". She doesn't know all of her colors, but she knows purple, can count to 13, and is starting to recognize letters. Here is an interview with a princess:
Is your name Stella Jane or Stella Bella? STELLA JANE!
Stella Jane What? STELLA JANE.......PWINCESS.
What is your favorite color? PU-PULL
What is your favorite food? EGGS; CHICKEN [I would say the real answer is blueberries raspberries, strawberries, and raisin bran]
What is your favorite TV Show? DORA!
Can you count? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, FUTEEN, FUTEEN, FUTEEN......DAH-VEE TEACH ME!
They have been begging me to let them wear their "princess dresses" since Aunt Jill's wedding. I figured I would let them wear them one night and take them somewhere pretty for pictures at the park. The other night, we had free time after dinner, so I just let them wear them around the backyard. Who needs a pretty park? These girls make the weeds look pretty. They had so much fun chasing each other in those little dresses. Maybe next time we'll go to the park...or maybe not. Is your name Stella Jane or Stella Bella? STELLA JANE!
Stella Jane What? STELLA JANE.......PWINCESS.
What is your favorite color? PU-PULL
What is your favorite food? EGGS; CHICKEN [I would say the real answer is blueberries raspberries, strawberries, and raisin bran]
What is your favorite TV Show? DORA!
Can you count? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, FUTEEN, FUTEEN, FUTEEN......DAH-VEE TEACH ME!

Lots of love,