
my helpers

They look like such little buddies, don't they?

 Everyday Stella claims that Jeremy (who has no teeth, by the way) is biting her. Maybe she doesn't understand what that means? She continues to try (lovingly) to bite him even though I have "no biting" conversations with her everyday. No worries though, yesterday I told Stella to back up and give him some space and found a pony tail's worth of hair ripped out and gripped tightly in his little fist. Seriously, we could have made a pony tail out of all that hair. I think he can defend himself pretty well already!

Sylvie is little Mommy 100%. She helps Stella get dressed, go potty, learn the ABC's, and almost anything else that Stella asks of her. They are the cutest little team.

 Sylvia loves anything to do with Jeremy too. She was so excited when I took these pictures because she got to play "hold Jeremy." That's a very popular game in our house.

Tonight I let her feed Jeremy his applesauce. While I put the tacos together and turned my back for half a second I heard her say "awww Jeremy, do you want to try to feed yourself?". How cute! No...wait....Sylvie, he's too little, please....

too late. Applesauce everywhere.

Dinner time at our house is so unbelievably crazy. If applesauce on the baby is the worst thing that happens, we're in good shape :)

Lots of love,
