Sylvia's first soccer game was so fun to watch. All but one of their practices had been rained out, so they were kind of thrown into the game, but they had so much fun and improved greatly just in the one little game.
They played the purple team. In this league you have to be 4 or 5 years old. The purple team MUST be filled with five year olds. They scored. A lot. 
Sylvie plays for the fierce Black Diamonds. They didn't score. At all. (Until the very end, they got the final goal...woo hoo!)
Sylvie spent a good part of the game whispering with her friend, C. Both of the girls dads are coaches for their team and they are good little buddies from pre-school.
I asked Sylvie what they were whispering, but she said "secrets, Mom."
Later that night, C's mom called us to let us know that she found out what they were whispering. While sitting around the dinner table, their family had been sharing things that happened to them that day. C said that during the game Sylvia had whispered into her ear, "I wish I was on the purple team!". C's response, "ME TOO!"
At least they were giggling and happy while they were wishing to be on a different team!
Lots of love, Keri