Stella went fishing for the first time this summer. Actually, she watched John fish for 2 seconds, then got away as fast as she could claiming "I no like fish. Fish is yucky."

On the days that Sylv is in school I run all of my errands and *try* to spend a little special time with Stella. Jeremy is on my hip non-stop, so no worries, he gets LOTS of attention.
Stella loves doing things by herself, like this fish puzzle and anything to do with counting. I am trying to teach her the same colors and letters that Sylvie is learning in school. This month is "Red" and "ABC". She is pretty good with letter A so far, and I thought she got Red too, until we were shopping at Target and she was telling me all the decorations were "Green like Elmo". hmmm....

The other day she was pretending to paint my toe nails. I asked her what colors she was using and she said "pink, purple, and money". My future business woman! :)
I love my smiling, giggling, silly little Stella Bella.