She makes me laugh so often lately. The other day she woke up from nap and asked if she could get on the "potty train". I think her new book that mentions potty-training must have caught her attention. The one song in the book is called "Stinky, stinky, diaper change", which makes her giggle uncontrollably - the best sound in the world :) She laughed that same belly laugh in the car the other day when her Daddy thought she said Geez or Cheese when she really said "Trees". Soooo funny.
The Potty Train
She makes me laugh so often lately. The other day she woke up from nap and asked if she could get on the "potty train". I think her new book that mentions potty-training must have caught her attention. The one song in the book is called "Stinky, stinky, diaper change", which makes her giggle uncontrollably - the best sound in the world :) She laughed that same belly laugh in the car the other day when her Daddy thought she said Geez or Cheese when she really said "Trees". Soooo funny.
Sylvia's birthday fun
I had my 34 week appointment today and am measuring exactly 34 cm - which is right on target. That is exactly how I measured with Sylvia too. The baby has had lots of hiccups lately....hmm....just like Sylvie. I am a little anemic, which may be adding to the super sleepy state I'm stuck in. I think if I could sleep 12 hours every night, and take a 2 hr nap each day, I might feel rested. Oh well, we're in the home stretch now. 5 weeks left....or less!
Potty Training Princess
naming tinkerbell
This was taken the day I sent an e-mail to John saying that I had "named the baby.....again". The first time I had said that phrase, the baby was to be "Isabel Riley", which became "Tinkerbell" when I told Sylvia. This "new" name is one that John has liked from the very beginning, so once I came to the same conclusion, it seems we have finally named our Tinkerbell. (although I have friends who changed their baby's names on the way to the hospital to deliver, so you never know :)
All along the way, through the searching of baby name books and on-line resources, I have had fun testing out the names on Sylvia. This one stuck with her pretty quickly, so I pulled out my video camera. I didn't realize, that she learned the name so well, that she would spill the beans to anyone who asked later.