The warm weather has been wonderful, and even though we narrowly missed a hail storm (and a tornado?), we have been enjoying the weather any way that we can. Sylvia still loves the swings and now goes down the slide all by herself. She did that a little bit in the fall, but was much more hesitant. She's also been enjoying her new "Bicycle" and loves when I let her eat lunch outside. We're looking forward to using her new table and chair set and the swimming pool / sandbox in the back yard.

She makes me laugh so often lately. The other day she woke up from nap and asked if she could get on the "potty train". I think her new book that mentions potty-training must have caught her attention. The one song in the book is called "Stinky, stinky, diaper change", which makes her giggle uncontrollably - the best sound in the world :) She laughed that same belly laugh in the car the other day when her Daddy thought she said Geez or Cheese when she really said "Trees". Soooo funny.

Yesterday in the car I was listening to KYW, and when the sports summary came on she said "Tiger Woods! Mommy, Tiger Woods!". It was so funny, because I had no idea she was paying attention. I asked her if she knew what Tiger Woods does. "Yes, Mommy........GRRRRRRR". She does a very good impression of a tiger :)