Things have been busy and I have been EXHAUSTED, so updates here are a little less frequent. Sylvia had a wonderful 2nd birthday and a successful 2 year check-up. She is a little small (between 10% and 20% for height & weight), and she is still terrified of the table where they weigh, measure, and examine her, but fortunately we don't have to go back for another year.

On her birthday night, we had dinner at McDonald's with Brock, which she was thrilled about...both because Brock was there and because she got a toy with dinner :) Last weekend, she had her big birthday party with lots and lots of family, and although she ended the night deliriously tired, she had a great time. She had no memory of us getting her ready for bed that night and she woke up the next morning thrilled because she had on new PJ's. She asked me if she could have another party that next day....um, no.

I had my 34 week appointment today and am measuring exactly 34 cm - which is right on target. That is exactly how I measured with Sylvia too. The baby has had lots of hiccups lately....hmm....just like Sylvie. I am a little anemic, which may be adding to the super sleepy state I'm stuck in. I think if I could sleep 12 hours every night, and take a 2 hr nap each day, I might feel rested. Oh well, we're in the home stretch now. 5 weeks left....or less!