In the last few weeks, Sylvia has grown in sooo many ways. She is suddenly more interested in potty-training, and has had several successful underpants trials. I find myself repeating "don't pee on Elmo!" (check out her Elmo underpants!)
So far, so good. Unfortunately, she has also slammed head first into the "terrible two's". I thought she was in them weeks ago. Um, no. She now throws full blown temper tantrums, sprawled out on the floor of wherever we may be. She is as stubborn as they come. Luckily, her fits pass quickly, and she is sweet as pie minutes later. "I love you mommy. I help you!" she says, all smiles :)
I'm finally feeling better from a horrible cold, so hopefully I'll have time to post some of the photos and videos that I have. Little baby is doing well. I have my 32 wk check-up on Monday. Her name has most likely changed again. I think if I was pregnant for 23 months I would change my mind 23 times. Luckily, in less than 2 months, we will have a name that sticks! Sylvia has been the only one consistent in naming baby sister. I guess we should just call her "Tinkerbell".