Good-bye February and everything you brought with you! I am soooo glad to see March, especially if the weekend weather was a sign of things to come. Friday, although sad because we know who is moving away soon, was lots and lots of fun. We hung out at Aunt Sarah's with Auntie Mo while Sylvie and Brock played in the "summer room" (Sylvie's name for the Sun Room). Later, everyone came over for sushi / game night. It doesn't get any better than that. We played Quiddler while Sylvie had a blast hanging with "her Brocky" and convincing Pop-pop to read every book on the shelf.
I sat outside with Stella a little on Saturday, and although she LOVES having the wind blow through her hair, she was wearing shoes for the first time, and wanted no parts of it. She was complaining in her own way from the time they went on (no easy feat) until they came off again. Oh, well.

Today was beautiful again. In the morning, the girls were playing with Daddy while I got ready.

Just before I took that picture of Stella, they both had been on the blue thing and laughing hysterically. After that, Sylvia and I went outside, drew on the sidewalk, and she played on her tricycle as she searched for piles of snow to shovel with her little sand rake. Welcome, welcome spring. The project of the day was to decorate an old black clock I had.

John and Sylvie got a book that teaches time at the library, so they wanted to make the perfect clock for a little girl's room. He helped her paint it and sparkle it, and I helped her add lots and lots of stickers. We all love the end result. I think everything in our house will eventually end up pink with sparkles.

Later, John installed a new car-seat to replace Stella's carrier, because even though she is relatively light.....I am weak. Thank goodness for the new car-seat! Bath time was fun, as always. Stella lays on her back most of the time, and kicks as hard as she can with both feet. The whole bathroom is soaked when Miss Stella is done. Sylvie had some art time in her bath (she is no longer interested in sharing a bath with Stella, now that she realized how much little sis splashes!), and apparently drew a T-rex dinosaur [grrrrrr.......]. I was in the other room at the time, but there are pictures to prove it!!