I'm sure I shouldn't be letting my 3 year old (she's 3 now!!) stay up until 10 o'clock to watch American Idol with me, but it is so much fun!! *AI Spoiler Alert* Her Lacey was sent home, so she is now rooting for Casey (because he rhymes with Lacey?), Lee, and Tim, and as of this week she has added Aaron and Katie. I like Sioban, but I think Crystal has just got to win.

Last week we had a big weekend. Miss Sylvia turned 3, and Friday was a wonderful day. She had asked me earlier in the week if she could "help me make an awesome cake". I was concerned, because I believe I have only made one cake before, and I wouldn't have described it as awesome.

Anyway, you can see from the photos that she had a great time (her favorite part was mixing), loved having Aunt Jill come out to help, and in the end, it was awesome to her. Friday night we went to Friendly's and both Grammy's, Pop-pop, Auntie Mo, Aunt Chrissy, and Mark were all there to celebrate. She wasn't sure what to think when the staff sang to her, but tried to ignore them as she ate her sundae :) Someone asked her what her favorite gift was the other day, and she talked about her binoculars and her fishing rod. I think she is as ready for nice weather as I am!

Last Saturday, we went out to the Jukebox Cafe for breakfast (the "Juice Box" to Sylvia) and then went to the park. What a great morning!! That night we went to our neighbor Ally's sweet 16 party. Sylvia had soooo much fun except for the fact that she was feeling a little shy.

Sunday we went to little Audrey's 1st birthday. She was born 1 month and 1/2 before Stella. I can't believe these babies are turning one year old!! We had a GREAT time, and afterwards, John started to clean up the garage (yay!), and we took the girls on a wagon ride. It was Stella's first time and she absolutely loved it. The girls were soooo sweet giggling together. I hopefully caught some adorable moments. My heart melts when they are laughing hysterically together, which happens quite often these days :)

So, it was Sylvia's big weekend (Congrats big girl!!!), but Stella also had some significant milestones. Little lady has refused to feed herself anything, regardless as to whether she likes it or not. Well, at breakfast last Saturday morning, she decided daddy's toast was worth picking up herself. Yay Stella! I'll be sure to proudly tell your pediatrician's nurse at the next visit :)