Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. Wish I may, wish I might, have this wish I wish tonight.

Sylvie and I often say that as we look to the stars from the porch or out her bedroom window.....or sometimes just looking up at the ceiling. And once we wished upon her bedroom fan (which was apparently VERY funny :) It took Sylvia a while to understand the concept of NOT telling her wish aloud, but I think she gets it now. The first several times she immediately told me her wish (it was always for a puppy...shhhhh.....don't tell!).
The beautiful vase she made me has the look of a starry night sky on one side and I LOVE it. It will always remind me of holding her out on the porch to wish upon a star (or giggling hysterically in her little bed as we wished upon the fan). Thanks Sylvie girl!!