Sylvia has been slowly giving up naps. I usually just tell her to have some quiet time after lunch. Yesterday she took a bunch of library books in the guest room to relax.

When she finally woke up she was instantly smiling for the camera :)
Then she texted some friends from her Blackberry.
Haha! Just kidding. I don't know what she was doing there. We were just chatting about something.
Such a sweetheart. All day yestereday and today, as people have been posting pictures of "the night before kindergarten" and "the first day of school", all I can think is that I am so glad she is only 4. This child has been waiting forever to turn 5 so she can go to kindergarten, but I'm glad she has to wait another full year. My little baby:)
Although, it took her a long time to fall asleep last night, so I think, in general, naps are done. Today, instead of quiet time, we had Mommy-daughter Wii Fit time!
p.s. at the bottom of each blog post on the web-site, there are three recommended other posts "you might like". After I posted this entry, this older one showed up and caught my eye:
If you have time, watch the videos from that one. Stella is just a month or so older than Jeremy is now and Sylvia was 2 1/2 or so. I need to take more videos!!
Lots of love,