the butterfly bag
Lie la lie.......boom
The video below was from bed-time a few weeks ago. Stella is happy because she is doing one of her very favorite things, brushing her teeth, and Sylvie is happy, because, well she is Sylvie. Always singing. In this case it is her own unique version of Simon and Garfunkel's "The Boxer" (or as she would say, "The song that American Idol Lee sang.")
Lie la lie....boom
Lots of love,
Sylvie's World

something different

magic wishes
we are in love with that little boy already and Sylvie is thrilled that all her magic wishes on the dandilions for a "BRUDDER" came true (and that she gets five bucks!) happy days
precious little baby
When I first found out you existed, Daddy was on a business trip, and I had to wait 2 whole days to share the news - such torture!! Daddy came home on our wedding anniversary and his gift was a positive pregnancy test in a gift bag. After examining the test carefully to make sure it was real and that it was really positive, Daddy was thrilled. Sylvie was thrilled too - "Mommy gave you a special marker Daddy! Happy Anniversary, Daddy!!"
We told your sisters about you a month or 2 later, and Sylvie was thrilled. She jumped up and down saying "Stella, we're going to have another baby!". Stella smiled because everyone was so excited, but she still doesn't know what's coming. I asked Sylvie if she thought Stella was ready to be a big sister and she said "No! They'll pull each other's hair." Look out little one - she might pull your hair.
At my first visit, I was thrilled the new doctor offered to try to hear the heart-beat. I've read that to hear the heart-beat that early the doctor must be experienced, patient, and a little lucky. Dr. Barton said she'd only try if I promised not to freak out if we couldn't hear it. I promised (possibly lying...), but luckily we did hear your beat, fast and strong. Tears of joy! Love that new doctor :)
The first ultrasound was a week or 2 later, and we got your first baby photos. So tiny, so sweet, so precious. My neighbors kept saying I didn't look pregnant at all - (which worried me). Then, around 19 weeks my belly popped out - way out! (which worried me :) I've felt you since around 12 weeks or so (crazy early!!), lots some weeks, none other weeks. Now, since week 18 or so, I feel definite baby movement, getting very close to being felt from the outside. You move so much already! More than little Stella ever did (which worried me constantly).
Once again, Daddy decided he didn't want to find out if you were a boy or a girl until you arrived, and once again he has changed his mind. (Yay!). We are so excited to know more about you. Sylvie wants you to be a boy (because Dora has a baby sister AND a baby brother) and she has a $5 bet with Daddy. Stella is just confused why my belly is so big. So tomorrow is the big day. Cannot wait to see you, get more pictures, and hopefully find out if you are my daughter or my son. Lots and lots of love ~ Mommy
And.....a few videos of the girls dancing. We do a lot of that around here little baby - if you are a little princess, you will fit right in. If you are the little boy of the family - no worries. Daddy will show you how to dance like a cool guy :)
Check out Sylvie's signature move:
p.s. If you haven't seen the videos from the last post - you have to check out the last one. Stella in her soccer uniform is too much!
looking funny

me: you can't marry Stella - she is your sister. Sylvie: But I don't want her to grow up and live in a different house than me. me: It's ok, you can talk to her everyday, and you might live close to each other. You can live in houses next to each other. Sylvie: Like Grammy Lou and Aunt Chrissy? OK. I'll do that.

Such a bond those girls have, and Stella can't even talk yet! She did say a few more words yesterday. Shrek "REK", and Elmo "Melmo" (Just like Sylvie used to say :) There have been a few times now, I've caught Stella singing the ABC's. She has the tune right, and she says "A B B B B B B......" I haven't been able to catch that on video yet, but I did get some soccer videos last weekend:
Feel free to vote on the sex of baby 3 at the top of the web-page. We should know by 10:30 or so Friday morning, and I'll try to post updates here and on facebook asap. I'm soooo excited to see the baby again :) I had a dream about the appt last night, it was very strange and involved me showing up on the wrong day. In the dream, the baby was a boy, but the dream was so bizarre it made me feel like the baby must be a girl. Nothing in that dream could have been close to accurate!
ordinary giggles
The video I am posting is from a month ago when Sylvie was thrilled to use a big girl cup at dinner and Stella was just learning to use a cup. Just an ordinary family dinner night, but that is why I love being a mom, because ordinary things like drinking from a cup cause choruses of giggles :)
Stay tuned this week for soccer videos and some of the "Sylvie and Stella Show", which was some talented dancers performing to Dave Matthews songs :) Also, I will try to post the baby's gender update on Friday....YAY!!!
Happy 24th Birthday Auntie Mo!!!
soccer sisters
Sylvie is excited for soccer, but looking ahead to dancing again too. She picked out 2 cute dance outfits at a consignment sale we went to this week: www.jbfsale.com They had great deals on kid's clothes, maternity, and all sorts of baby things. We got a bouncy seat for little baby, sneakers for Stella Bella, and lots of stuff for Sylvie, including winter coats for the next 2 seasons and some ridiculously cute clothes.....pictures to come!! When we were looking at the bouncy seats, my friend was checking out some really cute little pink ones for me. I stayed gender neutral with our purchase, but I thought it was funny she was thinking of the girly ones. People assume we'll be having another princess....and we just may be! I really wish I had known the sex of the baby before that sale! I could have picked up some cute little boy clothes if they were needed.
And here, is a video I just find adorable. I was trying to get Stella to do a little more of the hysterical chattering on her pretend cell phone that she had been doing for the past 5 minutes, but ended up catching something even better. This is how they interact with each other all of the time, kisses, hugs, and smiles. Of course, there is yelling and shoving here and there, but they are the two most loving little sisters I have ever seen:
busy babies

Little baby update: I had a doctor's appt on Monday night and took both girls with me. Sylvia loved going to the visit and hearing baby's heart-beat (which sounded great!). She was the doctor's helper and held the doppler device, turned it on, and turned it off. She now wants to go to every visit. Stella, on the other hand, shrieked as loud as she could as the nurse tried to take my blood pressure, and it only went down-hill from there. She is now banned from all future appointments :)
The next visit will be Friday for our ultrasound; can't wait! John is now anxious to find out too, so fingers crossed, we'll know a little more about the new baby in a week. Although I've been thinking of the baby as a boy - John has made his official guess. During a bet made with Sylvia (who is still saying "BOY!!!"), he voted girl. He is almost always right about everyone so chances are.......
Sylvia update: She is loving school, and although claims to remember nothing that happened when I pick her up, she spends the rest of the day singing pieces of songs about the days of the week and reciting parts of the Pledge of Allegience. When we get ready for lunch she starts to say the prayer they say in school ("Thank you for the food we eat...."). I really like her teacher. She has a big focus on helping them learn to read, and right now they are collecting names of products and stores (Cheerios, Target, etc), that most of them can recognize already to create a Word Wall and a Word Book. I'm excited for Sylvie, and how much she loves playing with her new friends and doing her projects. The other day they all tried red, yellow, and green apples, and then made a chart to show who liked which color the best. (Sylvie loved them all, but prefers yelllow.)
Here is a video of her singing Ramo. Not the most accurate version, but possibly the most passionate:
Stella update: I think she gets a little trickier and a little more adorable every day. If I call her name, for any reason, she immediately runs the other way, arms pumping as hard as she can. Then a minute later, she'll put her little face as close to mine as she can, says "Hi!", and gives me her biggest, best baby hugs. She is blissfully unaware that she is soon to be a big sister. She is slowly adding words, most recently "back-pack", "whoa!", and "beep-beep" (she says bop-bop). At her doctor's appointment, she was 20th percentile weight and 90th percentile height, (although the way she fought me, the nurse, and the doctor, I would have very little confidence in that height number). Anyway, although she screamed and fought with all her might throughout the appointment, everything was normal, and she got 3 shots with no fevers or anything since, thank goodness. Here is an example of her talents and vocabulary :)
And one more quick video of Sylvie for the road...she's come a long way since the days of "bye-bye" and "button" :)
my baby girls
School Days
Then we greeted her with lots of hugs. She was very calm and quiet, and I felt like we missed her more than she missed us!
and finally, in the car, we get all of the details. Day one was a success!