Sylvie had her first day of school today. She was so excited. She packed her beloved pinky bear to take with her into her backpack last night and asked me several times to check the weather on the computer - she wanted to make sure she wore the right clothes. When the time came, she picked a pretty skirt to wear, of course, and a cheese stick and crackers for snack.

I asked Sylvia if she was nervous or excited on the way there, and she said "EXCITED". However, when I dropped her off, she was so nervous, she would not make eye contact with me or respond, even when I gave her a hug and kiss good-bye. Her teacher came to the door when she saw us and said "Hello Sylvia.". Sylvie wouldn't look at her either, but very willingly took her hand and joined the little pile of 3 year-olds sitting with back-packs in the lobby.

Stella and I came home and played and cleaned the kitchen and went for a walk and went grocery shopping and came home to put groceries away.....Sylvie was only gone 2.5 hours, but it felt like forever! And finally it was time to go get her. First, we spied through the window:
Then we greeted her with lots of hugs. She was very calm and quiet, and I felt like we missed her more than she missed us!
and finally, in the car, we get all of the details. Day one was a success!