My favorite thing in the world right now is watching the girls play together. Stella doesn't always understand what Sylvia is trying to accomplish, but she is almost always willing to go along for the ride. They both love anything to do with music, and are often dancing together. Stella has recently developed a love for books that matches her big sister's interests. Stella's face lights up if you ask her if she wants to read a book, and Sylvie has now moved on to chapter books. She picked out Dr. Dolittle a few weeks ago, and we've been reading a chapter or 2 a night. Let me know if you have good recommendations for our next chapter book. I have fond memories of Judy Blume [Super Fudge], but I'm probably getting ahead of myself...

Here they are playing on the deck and dancing to the 4 second song that the barn plays....over and over:

The things Sylvie says to Stella are hysterical. I can't wait to hear Stella's responses in a few months. The other morning they were holding hands and running around in circles as Sylvie shouted out "come on Stella, there's no time to waste." Then as they saw me, they'd yell "Incoming!!"
I always get the video camera out a few minutes past the moments of hysterics, but this was still really funny:
I am so lucky to be with them for all those little silly minutes that mean so much. I have also learned to keep my camera and video recorder in convenient locations to try to catch more of those giggles.