There was once a favorite Elmo sweater, that is now worn and fuzzy.

There was a favorite Elmo dress worn past the time that it fit just right.

A bright Elmo balloon that we HAD to buy our princess at her visit trip to the boardwalk.

Recently, there was an Elmo photo-shoot, totally arranged by Sylvia, inspired by her little sister's new Cape May t-shirt.

Over two years ago, I took some precious photos of baby Sylvie sleeping with her Elmo doll.

So innocent. So sweet.

We now have two precious little girls who have loved "Melmo" and a sweet little boy on the way. I haven't seen Sylvie cuddled with that Elmo in over two years. She is so grown-up now. She goes to school and plays soccer and knows the WHOLE pledge of allegiance. She is slowly giving up naps, and most days skips them....but I caught her asleep the other afternoon with that same Elmo doll and just for a moment, my sweet big girl Sylvie was my sweet baby Sylvie.

sniff, sniff
I don't know if it's just the hormones, but your post made me tear up!