Saturday was work around the house day, although we did go out to dinner, and for some reason we decided to drag our screaming, tired child around Home Depot AND Lowes. Sylvia would have happily stayed at Lowes if we let her. She reached up to the cashier to hold her, who then let her play with computer keyboard. That was definitely the highlight of Sylvie's day.

Sunday we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel, which was great. It was so nice just to hang out in the rocking chairs before they called us. They even had little Sylvie sized chairs. On the way out we bought Sylvia's Halloween Costume. They didn't even have her size (we got a 3T and she wears 18 months), but it was the cutest little outfit and it actually does fit her pretty well.
We stopped at John's office so he could get some files for a trip, and Sylvia wore her little Halloween outfit as she moved big water jugs around and typed on an extra keyboard. John got some cute photos on his phone, but I can't post them and ruin the surprise of what she is going to be!!
After the Eagles game (woo hoo!), Sylvia and I joined my family, including great-Pop-Pop, for dinner at Friendly's. Daddy had to fly out on business. Sylvia spent the night trying to sneak hugs and kisses from Brock. She is so funny with him.
Somehow I survived the weekend without getting called into work. Now if my luck can just hold on another week and a half....