Last weekend after Daddy spent all day working on our yard (or what will someday be a yard if we can get the grass to grow!), we took a trip out to the Oley Fair. Sylvia is too little for most of the rides, but that didn't bother her. She had a ball waving to Brock as he rode around on boats, bugs, and trains.
Daddy did take her down a huge slide ride, but she came out much paler than she started, and she might have been happy to skip that one! I was so caught up in watching them, I didn't get a picture, but when Pop-pop and Brock came down next, I caught a photo of sneaky Brock trying to run back up the stair-case!!
Sylvia and Brock both loved seeing all of the animals, although I don't think Sylvia ever realized how loud and scary a real sheep could be..."BAAAA!". She also got a little scare from a baby pig when she fell in the dirt just outside their pen, and one came a little too close to where her face was. At least the piggy was quiet.

Brock was desperate to sit on one of the real motor cycles and got his wish just for a few seconds. 
Most of all, I think Sylvia just liked hanging out with Brock. At the end of the night they were holding hands and just being silly. She thinks he is the funniest person ever and spends most of her time laughing, which is contagious to Brock, so they just walk around giggling. I definitely need to break out the camcorder a little more often.