Sylvia had a great week at daycare. Drop offs were not perfect, but got a little better each day. Every day when I picked her up she was happily playing and smiling. Tuesday, when I got there she was dancing in front of a mirror with Miss Beth to the Aladdin music, and could not have been happier. Wednesday the teachers wrote on her update sheet that she especially liked singing the Elmo song, and I caught her singing pieces of the Elmo and Big Bird song that afternoon. I think she is really starting to have fun again, thank goodness. Sylvia impressed her teachers this week by pointing out the colors she knew in a book, and she was eager to impress me when I came to pick her up, by pointing to each sippy cup on the counter and telling me who drinks from each cup.
I took her to the park one day after daycare, and we had a lot of fun. Sylvia loved watching the squirrels going up and down the trees and learned that blowing on the dandylions is fun;

getting little fuzzy seeds in your mouth is not.

for some reason she reminds me of John with her little belly hanging out :)

She also went down the slide completely by herself for the first time (I was too busy chasing her to get a picture), and a little boy convinced her to crawl under a playground bridge with him, because he saw that she was too little to climb over it (shhhh... dont' tell Daddy Sylvia is already sneaking around with little boys!)