Sylvia is totally obsessed with birthdays right now, so lucky for her, we know a lot of people with Fall B-days! We celebrated Morgan's birthday this past weekend with the family, including great-pop-pop. (I still have trouble believing Morgan is 22; I feel like I am the one who is 22....).
I often catch Sylvia singing happy birthday by herself "Happy to you, happy to you......" It's one of her favorite songs right now, along with "you are my sunshine", and "ABC.."
Sylvie wore her Eagles cheerleader outfit to cheer the Eagles onto victory, and had a lot of fun playing with Brock.
I asked the kids to put their heads together for a picture at the kitchen table
, so Sylvia put her head way back in her chair and made funny faces. I guess she didn't quite understand what I was asking :)
They had the most fun playing Ring around the Rosie (despite Morgan's protests that the game is not to think about it). Sylvia and Brock both thought it was funny to drop down before my mom would say "All Fall Down", and laughed hysterically each time.
My mom was worried someone might get hurt, so she tried to teach them to do it the "right way" with limited success. In the end, they played "their way" by themselves, landing each time in a fit of giggles. I definitely need to take more videos than I have been.