Sylvia is officially a "Cat" at daycare and did great with the transition to the young toddler room. She woke the first day from her nap a bit upset, but after a little visit with her old teachers in the infant room, she was ready to go back and play with the big kids.

The highlight of her day Friday involved buiding a "tent" in the family room with a blanket and some pillows. It kept her entertained for a good 20 minutes, which is record-breaking in the world of one-year-olds. She is so serious sitting in her chair watching Caillou (her favorite show of the moment).
In the evening, we went over to the Irish festival, which was surprisingly lively, for a Friday night. I'm not sure if the events are just growing each year or if people just knew that Saturday would be a washout, but there were a lot of people there. We ate dinner while watching the Irish dancers and then watched the Tartan Terrors perform, who were great:
Note for next year: bring flashlights on Friday night. There were very few lights, and the rocky terrain was a bit treacherous.