exploring acorns
swing time
farm concerts
Sylvie gets her hair cut
3 months old
fields of hippos
She has become super opinionated lately, which can be really funny or really frustrating depending on where we are and what we are doing. The other day on the way to school she insisted she saw "a whole bunch of hippopotamus." I'd swear they were cows, but she saw hippos. "No mommy! no cows! HIPPOPOTAMUS!!" :)
"Hello Mr. Mailman!!"
She was resting with Daddy after playing in her new house that we set up in the dining room. Her favorite thing to do is to take naps inside the house. John was pretending to be the mailman and deliver her mail, and she thought that was great. She called him "Mr. Mailman" for the next day or so.Sylvia's independence / stubborness has increased significantly lately. These photos were taken while John was trying to convince her to lay back to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. That has never been an issue....until the last week or so. Welcome to the land of a 2 year old!
The Potty Train
She makes me laugh so often lately. The other day she woke up from nap and asked if she could get on the "potty train". I think her new book that mentions potty-training must have caught her attention. The one song in the book is called "Stinky, stinky, diaper change", which makes her giggle uncontrollably - the best sound in the world :) She laughed that same belly laugh in the car the other day when her Daddy thought she said Geez or Cheese when she really said "Trees". Soooo funny.
Sylvia's birthday fun
I had my 34 week appointment today and am measuring exactly 34 cm - which is right on target. That is exactly how I measured with Sylvia too. The baby has had lots of hiccups lately....hmm....just like Sylvie. I am a little anemic, which may be adding to the super sleepy state I'm stuck in. I think if I could sleep 12 hours every night, and take a 2 hr nap each day, I might feel rested. Oh well, we're in the home stretch now. 5 weeks left....or less!
Potty Training Princess
naming tinkerbell
This was taken the day I sent an e-mail to John saying that I had "named the baby.....again". The first time I had said that phrase, the baby was to be "Isabel Riley", which became "Tinkerbell" when I told Sylvia. This "new" name is one that John has liked from the very beginning, so once I came to the same conclusion, it seems we have finally named our Tinkerbell. (although I have friends who changed their baby's names on the way to the hospital to deliver, so you never know :)
All along the way, through the searching of baby name books and on-line resources, I have had fun testing out the names on Sylvia. This one stuck with her pretty quickly, so I pulled out my video camera. I didn't realize, that she learned the name so well, that she would spill the beans to anyone who asked later.
weekend with "grammy lou"
song time with Sylvie
too cute!
soupy smiles
This was from a month or two ago. It was the first time Sylvia ever had tomato soup, which I put some crackers in. This video is just simply, "typical Sylvie" to me. She makes the littlest things so funny. I love that she will say "excuse me chair" when she wants to get through and become angry when it doesn't move. I love that she puts hats on her stuffed elephant, and then when she thinks they look funny, she laughingly says "silly Elephant!".
And I love that when she can't find something, like crackers in her soup, she calls out to them...."where are you crackers??"
happy durr-day to daddy!!
Take 1:
Take 2:
Take 3:
Happy Birthday John! I love you!!!
look dad - green hands!
little baby updates
We also unofficially have a name for baby, although not sharing at this point. Everytime I tell someone what we're thinking, the name falls off the list for one reason or another, so for now, we're staying quiet. We discussed many little girl names, but this is the only one so far that we both think sounds "right". Sometimes names are beautiful, but just not right for "our baby." Some that were seriously considered by one or both of us:
and a few dozen (or hundred?) others....choosing a name for someone else, who will be associated with that name FOREVER is just not that easy!
p.s. John is at his first Hockey session tonight. He's been looking forward to it for weeks. I'm looking forward to knowing that he is back here safe and in one piece. As Sylvie would say "Be Careful Daddy!!"
puppy love
Sylvia doesn't normally go to daycare on Fridays, but she made a special appearance yesterday for the Valentine's party. I chased her around the house before she left trying to get a few good photos where she was smiling, my camera was flashing (not always the case these days), and there was nothing blocking her face, such as Clifford the Big Red Dog. No east feat!
Her first response when John told her that it was my birthday was "March, 1!". "Yes Sylvia, your birthday is in March and you are 1. How old will you be in March?" "2!!!". We repeated this exchange every time my birthday was mentioned.
Friday morning, she and John sang Happy Birthday. Her version went like this: "Happy Birthday to Mommy, Happy Birthday to Daddy, Happy Birthday to Sylvia, Happy Birthday to Mommy!"
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!
baby sister update
Besides feeling super exhausted, things are good, so I can't complain. I get my Rhogam shot on Monday, which is needed because of the difference in John and my blood types. I can't believe I'll be that far along already (28 wks!). I had been a little concerned because almost all of the movements I had felt these past few months are more like rolls and turns as opposed to kicks. However, it seems that baby had a growth spurt at 27 weeks, because I have felt several kicks over the last week, and luckily, John got to feel some too. Yes, the baby has legs! Peace of mind.
We have been refering to the baby as "Baby Sister" in the style of Berenstain Bears. The teachers asked me last week if we were naming her "Dawn". Sylvia's first response when asked the baby's name is almost always "John", which they were misinterpreting. Anyone there who takes Sylvia seriously either believes we are naming the baby Dawn, John, or Tinkerbell. The name is undetermined at this time, but I'm pretty sure those names are all out of the running. It is kind of funny to me that with Sylvia, we had her name picked out far in advance, but didn't really tell people. This time around, I have been telling everyone our thoughts, but we keep changing our minds, so everything I've told people will probably change. Maybe if we keep our mouths shut, we will be able to settle on a single name for this little darling:) We're always open to suggestions - at least for the next 10 or 11 weeks!
How now GREEN cow!
Yes Sylvia, there are green cows :)