A Grinchy Christmas
After the first night of tree decorating, Sylvia insisted that everyone hold hands around the tree and sing the song from the end of the original cartoon Grinch movie. Does anyone know the words? Because she was not happy with our rendition - we're going to need to practice!
ps Check out our train here: Christmas Train
Lots of love,
A Grinchy Christmas
Oh Christmas Tree
I really thought it was important that we all go get our Christmas tree as a family. I didn't want to exclude anyone. I'm not sure if that was the very smartest idea, but we did end up with a beautiful tree. We got everyone bundled up, trudged over to the tractor / wagon, rode out to the far end of the Christmas tree field, and set off to find the perfect tree. I very much underestimated the difficulty of holding on to a heavily bundled, super wiggly baby J. Stella was screaming from the time we got off the wagon. REALLY screaming. She wanted to be carried around, but I had Jeremy and John had a saw, and it was kind of a mess. Sylvia was great until we didn't agree to chop down the tree she picked out in the first 2 seconds, so it was all kind of a loud, wiggling, crazy little mess. Somehow we managed to look around through a few rows of trees, and Sylvia found new tree that she just loved. It wasn't quite as tall as we had in mind, and I'm not sure if the wiggling and screaming influenced our enthusiasm, but we all decided WE LOVED IT! "Let's get it and go!". Haha. But truly, Sylvie-girl picked out an absolutely perfect tree, and we have had fun putting on just a few decorations each night, starting with the lights, the angel, and lots and lots of sparkling, shiny red Christmas balls.
Lots of love,
Oh Christmas Tree
Hairy Angels?
This is an e-mail that I sent John the other day and just had to share. These kids are soooo funny :)
Sylvia: "Mom, can you turn on Christmas songs so we can sit in our chairs by the tree and enjoy Christmas?"
me: "ok, there you go!"
Sylvia: "Mom, what is THIS song?? Heck, the HAIRY angels sing??"
Me: "Hahahahaha"
Lots of love,
Sylvia: "Mom, can you turn on Christmas songs so we can sit in our chairs by the tree and enjoy Christmas?"
me: "ok, there you go!"
Sylvia: "Mom, what is THIS song?? Heck, the HAIRY angels sing??"
Me: "Hahahahaha"
Lots of love,
Hairy Angels?
Jeremy's Christmas Present
Christmas came early for Jeremy Maxwell - Santa brought his first front tooth this morning! He is 10.5 months old now. Jeremy started clapping at 9 months and is very close to crawling at 10 months (although gets around be rocking, rolling and scooting). He sleeps very well at night, usually from 8 to 7 or so, but fights off naps as much as he can. He loves playing "singing / yelling" games with his sisters, being carried around on Mommy's hip, and getting scooped up by Daddy (who he calls "Ah-Dah") when John gets home from work. He is a super mellow, happy little guy who spends most of his time happily playing with his toys and watching the world from his little spot on the floor. He has decided he absolutely hates being buckled into his high chair and car-seat. He straightens his little body and screams like he is being pinched, but really, he is a mellow little man, I swear. He is not a fan of any foods with textures yet. He gags and then Sylvia gags, and it just isn't much fun. So for now, he is sticking with his baby mush foods, and maybe that tooth will help with the big boy foods :)
Lots of love,
Jeremy's Christmas Present
The first thing Sylvie did this morning, even before breakfast, was draw a picture on her sketcher tool. It was a picture of a "sad, chef sting-ray" which was a very good picture of a sting-ray, with a chef hat on top and tears running down it's face. She then asked me how to spell "Mommy Yelled at Me" for the caption. I have no idea what the meaning behind that one is, and I definitely didn't know early this morning pre-coffee.
Stella drew something that looked like a banana with a whole bunch of apples. I asked her if that's what it was "yes, it's a banana." Then Sylvia said, "no it's a boat". Is it a boat, Stella? "Yes it's a boat." Stella can be feisty, but sometimes she's so agreeable :)
At lunch, Sylvia said she wanted to pray for Grammy to feel better.
"Please repeat after me. Dear Grammy, please feel better. " I was sitting there in awe, and then got yelled at..."PLEASE REPEAT AFTER ME!".
Well don't you think we should pray to God for Grammy? "Oh, yeah. Dear God, please make Grammy feel better. Amen. Please repeat after me!"
Stella thought the whole thing was wonderful, but when I asked her if she wanted to repeat the prayer with me, she said, "no, I say Amen when I bigger."
We then said a prayer for John to return home safely, which Sylvia concluded with "and please don't let Daddy get hit by a tornado. Amen." Amen to that.
On the way home from soccer tonight, Stella saw a stink bug on the seat in front of her. "I see a bug! I scared." Poor thing. There was no where to stop to remove the bug, and she just kept saying in her sweet little voice "I scared." At first Sylvie was concerned about the bug too, but then she stepped into big sister role. "Stella, just don't look at it. You turn your head and you won't be scared. I'll watch the bug and make sure he stays far away." Have I mentioned how much I love my kids? Everyone stayed calm and sweet until the bug could be swooshed out onto the driveway.
I think all of this rain may be making us all insane. We've played with all of the inside toys; we've splashed around in the puddles. We've gotten covered in mud. Now, please, let it be sunny enough for some trips to the park and walks around the neighborhood this week!
Go Phillies!!
Lots of love,
Stella drew something that looked like a banana with a whole bunch of apples. I asked her if that's what it was "yes, it's a banana." Then Sylvia said, "no it's a boat". Is it a boat, Stella? "Yes it's a boat." Stella can be feisty, but sometimes she's so agreeable :)
At lunch, Sylvia said she wanted to pray for Grammy to feel better.
"Please repeat after me. Dear Grammy, please feel better. " I was sitting there in awe, and then got yelled at..."PLEASE REPEAT AFTER ME!".
Well don't you think we should pray to God for Grammy? "Oh, yeah. Dear God, please make Grammy feel better. Amen. Please repeat after me!"
Stella thought the whole thing was wonderful, but when I asked her if she wanted to repeat the prayer with me, she said, "no, I say Amen when I bigger."
We then said a prayer for John to return home safely, which Sylvia concluded with "and please don't let Daddy get hit by a tornado. Amen." Amen to that.
On the way home from soccer tonight, Stella saw a stink bug on the seat in front of her. "I see a bug! I scared." Poor thing. There was no where to stop to remove the bug, and she just kept saying in her sweet little voice "I scared." At first Sylvie was concerned about the bug too, but then she stepped into big sister role. "Stella, just don't look at it. You turn your head and you won't be scared. I'll watch the bug and make sure he stays far away." Have I mentioned how much I love my kids? Everyone stayed calm and sweet until the bug could be swooshed out onto the driveway.
I think all of this rain may be making us all insane. We've played with all of the inside toys; we've splashed around in the puddles. We've gotten covered in mud. Now, please, let it be sunny enough for some trips to the park and walks around the neighborhood this week!
Go Phillies!!
Lots of love,
bed time messages
Ridiculously sweet....2 little girls at bed-time sending a message to Daddy. (By the way, if you hear Jeremy screaming in the background, he was safe, I swear. He has recently become strongly opposed to being put in his crib at nap-time, at bed-time, at any other time, but smiles a huge slobbery grin when I rescue him. He bought himself an extra hour of being carried around tonight after those screams. Whew!)
Anyway..back to those girls:
Lots of love,
Anyway..back to those girls:
Lots of love,
bed time messages
Jeremy's first word
Stella's first word was "Mama." She didn't know what she was saying as she babbled in the car after meeting Santa for the first time, but it totally counts. You can read the original blog post here.
So....I suppose it is only fair that Jeremy's first word was "Dada." Again, not so sure he knows what he is saying yet, but he says it often, and it totally counts. How grown up does this little man look?!
Jeremy speaks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY9dpHb5nhY
p.s. In case you were wondering, I'm not sure what Sylvie's first actual word was. We gave her a book for her first birthday where I wrote in all of the words she could say by age 1, which included things like Da-da, Melmo, button, and bye-bye among other words. She's always been a talker and these days she spends a lot of time trash-talking the Eagles. Where did that come from?
Anyway, here is a video from way back when (1-29-08) of talking baby Sylvia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U24mlbX065k
Lots of love,
So....I suppose it is only fair that Jeremy's first word was "Dada." Again, not so sure he knows what he is saying yet, but he says it often, and it totally counts. How grown up does this little man look?!
Jeremy speaks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY9dpHb5nhY
p.s. In case you were wondering, I'm not sure what Sylvie's first actual word was. We gave her a book for her first birthday where I wrote in all of the words she could say by age 1, which included things like Da-da, Melmo, button, and bye-bye among other words. She's always been a talker and these days she spends a lot of time trash-talking the Eagles. Where did that come from?
Anyway, here is a video from way back when (1-29-08) of talking baby Sylvia: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U24mlbX065k
Lots of love,
Jeremy's first word
The Black Diamonds
Sylvia's first soccer game was so fun to watch. All but one of their practices had been rained out, so they were kind of thrown into the game, but they had so much fun and improved greatly just in the one little game.
They played the purple team. In this league you have to be 4 or 5 years old. The purple team MUST be filled with five year olds. They scored. A lot. 
Sylvie plays for the fierce Black Diamonds. They didn't score. At all. (Until the very end, they got the final goal...woo hoo!)
Sylvie spent a good part of the game whispering with her friend, C. Both of the girls dads are coaches for their team and they are good little buddies from pre-school.
I asked Sylvie what they were whispering, but she said "secrets, Mom."
Later that night, C's mom called us to let us know that she found out what they were whispering. While sitting around the dinner table, their family had been sharing things that happened to them that day. C said that during the game Sylvia had whispered into her ear, "I wish I was on the purple team!". C's response, "ME TOO!"
At least they were giggling and happy while they were wishing to be on a different team!
Lots of love, Keri
The Black Diamonds
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard - Sylvie Style
*If you only have time to watch one video, go with #3. What a nut! Must take after her father!!
So you know she can sing; did you know she can play and sing?!
Take 1: "Me and Julia, I mean me and Romeo, down by the schoolyard"
Love the eye-crossing Sylv!
Take 2: "It was against the log"
Take 3: Forget serious, this is the Sylvie-rock version
Take 4: one...more....time
Lots of love, Keri
So you know she can sing; did you know she can play and sing?!
Take 1: "Me and Julia, I mean me and Romeo, down by the schoolyard"
Love the eye-crossing Sylv!
Take 2: "It was against the log"
Take 3: Forget serious, this is the Sylvie-rock version
Take 4: one...more....time
Lots of love, Keri
Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard - Sylvie Style
celebrate your half birthdays
Today was Sylvie's birthday...sort of. She turned 4 and a half. She wanted to take treats to school to celebrate, but we celebrated at home after dinner instead with chocolate chip muffins and a candle "Happy half birthday to you........." She insisted we measure her again tonight even though I measured her 3 days ago. She MUST be taller if she is 4.5 now!
John asked her when she had made one of her many, many pieces of artwork this morning as she ran around the house looking for pictures for him to take to work, and I had to laugh at her reply "Oh, I made that back when I was 4". (In otherwords, probably yesterday).
The ABC video seems very popular, so I thought I'd post this other ABC video. This one was taken back in February when Jeremy was not even a month old and the girls were just starting to make their ABC routine "fancy." :)
Happy 4.5 baby girl! (And happy birthdays to Auntie Mo and Uncle Jim too!)
Lots of love, Keri
John asked her when she had made one of her many, many pieces of artwork this morning as she ran around the house looking for pictures for him to take to work, and I had to laugh at her reply "Oh, I made that back when I was 4". (In otherwords, probably yesterday).
The ABC video seems very popular, so I thought I'd post this other ABC video. This one was taken back in February when Jeremy was not even a month old and the girls were just starting to make their ABC routine "fancy." :)
Happy 4.5 baby girl! (And happy birthdays to Auntie Mo and Uncle Jim too!)
Lots of love, Keri
celebrate your half birthdays
The other day Sylvia informed me that she wants to be three things when she grows up:
1. a singer on TV
2. a nose doctor
3. a finger doctor
Then a few days later, when she found out that doctors have to go to extra school, she decided she would be a fashion designer instead. On her interview, which she seemed very nervous about, she will tell them that they should hire her because "she can color really, REALLY well". It's true.
When I ask Stella what she wants to be, her first answer is always "like Sylvie." (melt my heart). Although, tonight, she told me she would be a cook. And make blueberry muffins. For me. :)
This was "Take 1" of Do Re Mi. I was initially going to delete this practice version, until I saw how sweetly Stella watches Sylv. And how Stella keeps singing a different part of the song when Sylvie pauses to remember what comes next. And how Stella makes a "T" with her little hands towards the end. :)
and another sweet version of their duet:
Lots of love, Keri
1. a singer on TV
2. a nose doctor
3. a finger doctor
Then a few days later, when she found out that doctors have to go to extra school, she decided she would be a fashion designer instead. On her interview, which she seemed very nervous about, she will tell them that they should hire her because "she can color really, REALLY well". It's true.
When I ask Stella what she wants to be, her first answer is always "like Sylvie." (melt my heart). Although, tonight, she told me she would be a cook. And make blueberry muffins. For me. :)
This was "Take 1" of Do Re Mi. I was initially going to delete this practice version, until I saw how sweetly Stella watches Sylv. And how Stella keeps singing a different part of the song when Sylvie pauses to remember what comes next. And how Stella makes a "T" with her little hands towards the end. :)
and another sweet version of their duet:
Lots of love, Keri
Mamma Mia .... here we go again
The girls are big Mamma Mia Fans. They may not know all the words, but that will never stop them from singing anything.
a medley by my sweeties:
Lots of love, Keri
a medley by my sweeties:
Lots of love, Keri
Mamma Mia .... here we go again
guaranteed to make you smile and possibly pee your pants
I have a bunch of videos to share at some point, but I had to show this one from tonight first.
I will bet that you've never seen the ABC's quite like this!
Lots of love, Keri
I will bet that you've never seen the ABC's quite like this!
Lots of love, Keri
guaranteed to make you smile and possibly pee your pants
her first book
Write this day down. Be it known, on this 15th day of September, a rainy Thursday in the year 2011, Ms. Sylvia Randall Tex read her first book. Just shy of 4.5 years old, she read Marc Brown's "Arthur's Reading Race," and I have never seen her more proud or more excited.
Way too go!!
Lots of love,
her first book
beef and gravy
Someday he will be bigger than me, sitting next to me at the dinner table eating a big plateful of steak.

For today, he is a grinning, slobbering, adorable little 7 month old, who sat next to me at the table while he tried his first bite of meat. When I say meat, I mean jar of pinkish-gray mush that is called "beef and gravy". He HATED it. When he made a horrible face after his first bite, Sylvia said "Don't give him that, he doesn't like gravy!". Sylvia and I both tried the stuff to see how horrible it was. I think I'd rather eat dog food.
Unfortunately for J, I wanted him to eat a few bites just to start to get used to the new taste. Even though he hated the beef, he loves when you play air-plane (or bumble bee or choo choo train) to feed him, and as long as he isn't full, he gives you a great big open mouthed-smile...only to be rewareded with yucky, yucky pink mush. Poor little guy.
Someday there will be steak. I promise.
Lots of love,
beef and gravy
Fishing with Stella
Stella went fishing for the first time this summer. Actually, she watched John fish for 2 seconds, then got away as fast as she could claiming "I no like fish. Fish is yucky."

On the days that Sylv is in school I run all of my errands and *try* to spend a little special time with Stella. Jeremy is on my hip non-stop, so no worries, he gets LOTS of attention.
Stella loves doing things by herself, like this fish puzzle and anything to do with counting. I am trying to teach her the same colors and letters that Sylvie is learning in school. This month is "Red" and "ABC". She is pretty good with letter A so far, and I thought she got Red too, until we were shopping at Target and she was telling me all the decorations were "Green like Elmo". hmmm....

The other day she was pretending to paint my toe nails. I asked her what colors she was using and she said "pink, purple, and money". My future business woman! :)
I love my smiling, giggling, silly little Stella Bella.
Fishing with Stella
first day of school - (day two WILL be better, please God)
Here is the first day of school from Sylvie's perspective:
She picked out her clothes the night before, of course going to her closet where all of the "fancy dresses" live. It was a tough decision, but in the end, she determined the black dress with butterflies and a hot pink ribbon was the fanciest.
Normally, when she wakes up, she hangs out in my bed and begs for "just one more show". That morning, she really, REALLY wanted to get dressed immediately. She was VERY concerned about what socks and what shoes she should wear, and although she was not happy with me for vetoing the initial selection of sparkly play shoes, she eventually was happy to wear her flower-girl shoes to school.
She was super excited and a tiny bit nervous and very happily went off with her teacher, hand in hand, when we arrived at school. When I picked her up, she was all smiles and talked about the picture she made by coloring in her handprint and adding a sparkly heart. She told me she played with Maya and Alyssa, she led the pledge of allegiance, and she sang songs at Chapel. During lunch, she threw a huge fit because she wanted to color on the floor instead of eating lunch at the table with her sister. Remember that stuff I said about "the last nap". I take it all back! I sent her up for nap after lunch and she was fast asleep before I left the room. 4 yr old pre-school is wonderful and exhausting!
She picked out her clothes the night before, of course going to her closet where all of the "fancy dresses" live. It was a tough decision, but in the end, she determined the black dress with butterflies and a hot pink ribbon was the fanciest.
Normally, when she wakes up, she hangs out in my bed and begs for "just one more show". That morning, she really, REALLY wanted to get dressed immediately. She was VERY concerned about what socks and what shoes she should wear, and although she was not happy with me for vetoing the initial selection of sparkly play shoes, she eventually was happy to wear her flower-girl shoes to school.
She was super excited and a tiny bit nervous and very happily went off with her teacher, hand in hand, when we arrived at school. When I picked her up, she was all smiles and talked about the picture she made by coloring in her handprint and adding a sparkly heart. She told me she played with Maya and Alyssa, she led the pledge of allegiance, and she sang songs at Chapel. During lunch, she threw a huge fit because she wanted to color on the floor instead of eating lunch at the table with her sister. Remember that stuff I said about "the last nap". I take it all back! I sent her up for nap after lunch and she was fast asleep before I left the room. 4 yr old pre-school is wonderful and exhausting!
Here is the first day of school from my perspective (I'm still cringing as I write this). We survived the earthquake and the hurricane, but I swear, we barely made it through day 1 of four-year-old pre-school:
I changed J's diaper and clothes while Sylvia got dressed. Somewhere in the middle of that, Sylvia came in and we had a big discussion about which shoes would be appropriate / matched / etc. Honestly, it has been raining for days (weeks?) and she probably should have worn rain boots, but we agreed on her pretty flower shoes.
As I was getting Stella ready that morning, she was freaking out over each step because she is wanting Daddy to do everything lately, and he was still there getting ready for work. I hear this phrase 124 times a day "NO, NOT YOU!!!! DADDY DO IT!!!!!!!!!", even when John is at work. There is not a creature on earth more stubborn or determined as a 2 year old child. Anyways, somewhere during that or after that, John was in Jeremy's room and found baby poo on the changing table. Awesome. Disgusting, I know. The lesson is, do not discuss shoes with the 4 yr old while changing the baby.
As the girls were eating breakfast (waffles), I started packing Sylvia's snack. For some reason, I have been very concerned with her snack. I let her pick out some special apple sauce at the grocery store that she might want. I made sure we had 10,000 cheese sticks on hand. I made sure she was ok with the yogurt selection. This child would be fine if I grabbed a handful of any random cereal for snack if need be, but I was a little obsessed. I asked her what special snack she wanted for day, and the choice was yogurt. I put the spoon and ice block in the bag, but decided I would wait a little to add the yogurt because we still had 45 minutes left before we left. That was my first mistake, or second, or 35th.
As I was racing around making sure everyone had juice, went potty, bags packed, etc. I checked on the frog we were baby-sitting for a neighbor. The last few years we babysat their 2 frogs. Now there is only one. I have been concerned the entire time Kermit was here that he would die of loneliness or that his time was up because the other one's time was up or something. I looked in the box and oh my goodness the thing was floating on top and not moving. The F-R-O-G was D-E-A-D. I was so freaked out. I felt like I was a psychic of horrible things.
I continued to race around getting everyone ready. In the back of my mind I knew I had wanted to take a "back to school" photo, but we were running late as it was. I told Sylvie I'd catch her picture after school. Just after I dropped Sylvia off I realized I never put a snack in her little backpack. Worst. Mother. Ever. I went back home and grabbed a yoplait (I had intended to let Sylvie pick the flavor) and went back to school to drop it off. Stella then cried for 5 minutes because she didn't understand why we went back to school without picking up Sylvia "I want Dahvieeeeeee!!".
From the bank, I called John and told him Sylvie did great, but the F-R-O-G was D-E-A-D. ugh. We then went grocery shopping, where I realized I forgot my list and ultimately forgot at least one key ingredient for each dinner I had planned. As we were leaving the school parking lot, I realized I couldn't see the stroller in the back and thought for a moment about pulling over to make sure it was in there. "Nah, there's no way I forgot; not worth pulling over to check." Um, wrong again.
I loved hearing Sylvie's thoughts on her first day, but everything went down hill - way down hill - when we got home. She was sooooo tired. The only photo I got that day was of her napping :) On a brighter note, I tapped the frog's container and as he leaped and swam all around I realized he was still alive! Hallelujah!! On a sadder note, he passed on that night and is no longer with us.
Oh my goodness, please let tomorrow go a little bit smoother.
Lots of love, Keri
first day of school - (day two WILL be better, please God)
The 3's of YOU - thanks Amanda!!
This was from an e-mail I got today :) Amanda - I watched that video of when I first held Jeremy. I am thankful for my babies, my video camera, and for you reminding me of that special moment.
ps - photo below is NOT the first time I held Jeremy :)
You are supposed to write a note with the 3's of YOU.
Three names I go by:
1. Keri
2. Mommy
3. Ker-Bear (by my friend Gabe :)
Three Places I have lived (not the most exciting list for me):
1. Boyertown, PA
2. Easton, PA
3. Harleysville, PA
Three Favorite drinks:
1. Coffee
2. Red wine
3. Iced Coffee
Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. Parenthood (I became addicted last year)
2. The Good Wife (such a great drama)
3. How I Met your Mother (the best ever)
Three places I have been:
1. Africa
2. France
3. Amsterdam (only 6 hr layovers on the way to and from Africa, but it counts!)
People that email me regularly
1. John
2. Sarah
3. Michelle
my real answers should be Groupon, LivingSocial, and Amazon, just to name a few. Holy junkmail!
Three of my favorite foods:
1. seafood!!!
2. chocolate!!!
3. mexican :) I have to post the recipe for the sweet potato burritos I made this week. yum.
Three foods I hate:
1. the ginger that comes with my sushi....ewwww!
2. hot, hot peppers (NEVER eat the peppers that come with General Tsao Chinese chicken - not even on a dare!)
3. i'm going to go with Indian food, even though I don't even think I've tried Indian food. I think I need to get me some Indian food so I know for sure!
Three Things I am looking forward to:
1. Seeing how excited Sylvie will be on the first day of school (even though I know I'll feel a little sad about dropping her off, I know she won't be sad!)
2. finishing up that photobook that was supposed to be done by last Mother's Day - oops!
3. the energy, weather, and colors of fall. I love, love, love that season :)
Three Things that are always by your side:
1. Jeremy on my hip - that boy is getting heavy!
2. Stella, who this week has been screaming "no not you, Mommy". She wants to do everything herself or have Daddy help her (even when Daddy is away at work). I love that little stinker.
3. Sylvie-girl, who spends her days singing, and kicked butt at her first night of soccer tonight. Yay Sylv!
Lots of love,
ps - photo below is NOT the first time I held Jeremy :)
You are supposed to write a note with the 3's of YOU.
Three names I go by:
1. Keri
2. Mommy
3. Ker-Bear (by my friend Gabe :)
Three Places I have lived (not the most exciting list for me):
1. Boyertown, PA
2. Easton, PA
3. Harleysville, PA
Three Favorite drinks:
1. Coffee
2. Red wine
3. Iced Coffee
Three TV Shows that I watch:
1. Parenthood (I became addicted last year)
2. The Good Wife (such a great drama)
3. How I Met your Mother (the best ever)
Three places I have been:
1. Africa
2. France
3. Amsterdam (only 6 hr layovers on the way to and from Africa, but it counts!)
People that email me regularly
1. John
2. Sarah
3. Michelle
my real answers should be Groupon, LivingSocial, and Amazon, just to name a few. Holy junkmail!
Three of my favorite foods:
1. seafood!!!
2. chocolate!!!
3. mexican :) I have to post the recipe for the sweet potato burritos I made this week. yum.
Three foods I hate:
1. the ginger that comes with my sushi....ewwww!
2. hot, hot peppers (NEVER eat the peppers that come with General Tsao Chinese chicken - not even on a dare!)
3. i'm going to go with Indian food, even though I don't even think I've tried Indian food. I think I need to get me some Indian food so I know for sure!
Three Things I am looking forward to:
1. Seeing how excited Sylvie will be on the first day of school (even though I know I'll feel a little sad about dropping her off, I know she won't be sad!)
2. finishing up that photobook that was supposed to be done by last Mother's Day - oops!
3. the energy, weather, and colors of fall. I love, love, love that season :)
Three Things that are always by your side:
1. Jeremy on my hip - that boy is getting heavy!
2. Stella, who this week has been screaming "no not you, Mommy". She wants to do everything herself or have Daddy help her (even when Daddy is away at work). I love that little stinker.
3. Sylvie-girl, who spends her days singing, and kicked butt at her first night of soccer tonight. Yay Sylv!
Lots of love,
The 3's of YOU - thanks Amanda!!
I'm sorry Jeremy. For letting them poke you and squeeze you and give you "forty-five shots", I'm sorry. But trust me, I made sure they were very gentle, and they do what they do out of love. (Notice Stella's words in the end: "Good Job Jeremy, I'm Proud of You."
watch: Stella Doctor
Someday, my friend, you have my permission to get even.
watch: Sylvia Doctor
For now, you can just keep pulling their hair.
watch: Jeremy pulling hair
Lots of love,
watch: Stella Doctor
Someday, my friend, you have my permission to get even.
watch: Sylvia Doctor
For now, you can just keep pulling their hair.
watch: Jeremy pulling hair
Lots of love,
the last nap
Sylvia has been slowly giving up naps. I usually just tell her to have some quiet time after lunch. Yesterday she took a bunch of library books in the guest room to relax.

When she finally woke up she was instantly smiling for the camera :)
Then she texted some friends from her Blackberry.
Haha! Just kidding. I don't know what she was doing there. We were just chatting about something.
Such a sweetheart. All day yestereday and today, as people have been posting pictures of "the night before kindergarten" and "the first day of school", all I can think is that I am so glad she is only 4. This child has been waiting forever to turn 5 so she can go to kindergarten, but I'm glad she has to wait another full year. My little baby:)
Although, it took her a long time to fall asleep last night, so I think, in general, naps are done. Today, instead of quiet time, we had Mommy-daughter Wii Fit time!
p.s. at the bottom of each blog post on the web-site, there are three recommended other posts "you might like". After I posted this entry, this older one showed up and caught my eye: http://thetexfamily.blogspot.com/2010/08/best-buddies.html
If you have time, watch the videos from that one. Stella is just a month or so older than Jeremy is now and Sylvia was 2 1/2 or so. I need to take more videos!!
Lots of love,
the last nap
Bed time
Pictures can be deceiving. If you look at this picture you might think bed-time was a quiet and cuddly time.
You wouldn't know about the fussy little baby who is crying because he just wants to be fed so he can fall asleep.
You wouldn't know about the 4 year-old who is crying because she is "too cool" for baths and needs a shower.
You wouldn't know about the 2 year-old who cries about....well, everything.
But really, we handled it well. I changed and fed Mr. J while John started both girls in the bathtub. It was a screaming, giggling, crazy kind of time, but that is normal for bed-time. When Stella came out of the tub she was shrieking (totally normal for her), so Daddy consoled a little bare-butt Stella (cutest thing in the world!!) while I helped Sylvia take a shower. Once everyone was clean, dry, and snug in their pj's, John read one of the library books for bed time.
If all goes well, bed-time ends with sweet, cuddly, quiet time. :)
Bed time
Sylvie swims with jumping babies
I thought I posted this 2 months ago. I wrote this 2 months ago. I donl't think I included these videos in any other post? Who knows. Anyway, here are some videos from 2 months ago:
These are a few videos from the last day of swim class. By the end, Sylvie could paddle around with no bar bell and swim on her back with the bar bell and some assistance from her teacher. Look Mom, no hands!:
And here is Sylvie swimming on her back (although Stella was MUCH more interested in those jumping babies!):
Lots of love,
These are a few videos from the last day of swim class. By the end, Sylvie could paddle around with no bar bell and swim on her back with the bar bell and some assistance from her teacher. Look Mom, no hands!:
And here is Sylvie swimming on her back (although Stella was MUCH more interested in those jumping babies!):
Lots of love,
Sylvie swims with jumping babies
my helpers
They look like such little buddies, don't they?
Everyday Stella claims that Jeremy (who has no teeth, by the way) is biting her. Maybe she doesn't understand what that means? She continues to try (lovingly) to bite him even though I have "no biting" conversations with her everyday. No worries though, yesterday I told Stella to back up and give him some space and found a pony tail's worth of hair ripped out and gripped tightly in his little fist. Seriously, we could have made a pony tail out of all that hair. I think he can defend himself pretty well already!
Sylvie is little Mommy 100%. She helps Stella get dressed, go potty, learn the ABC's, and almost anything else that Stella asks of her. They are the cutest little team.
Everyday Stella claims that Jeremy (who has no teeth, by the way) is biting her. Maybe she doesn't understand what that means? She continues to try (lovingly) to bite him even though I have "no biting" conversations with her everyday. No worries though, yesterday I told Stella to back up and give him some space and found a pony tail's worth of hair ripped out and gripped tightly in his little fist. Seriously, we could have made a pony tail out of all that hair. I think he can defend himself pretty well already!
Sylvie is little Mommy 100%. She helps Stella get dressed, go potty, learn the ABC's, and almost anything else that Stella asks of her. They are the cutest little team.
Sylvia loves anything to do with Jeremy too. She was so excited when I took these pictures because she got to play "hold Jeremy." That's a very popular game in our house.
Tonight I let her feed Jeremy his applesauce. While I put the tacos together and turned my back for half a second I heard her say "awww Jeremy, do you want to try to feed yourself?". How cute! No...wait....Sylvie, he's too little, please....
too late. Applesauce everywhere.
Dinner time at our house is so unbelievably crazy. If applesauce on the baby is the worst thing that happens, we're in good shape :)
Lots of love,
my helpers
Interview with a Princess
She throws temper tantrums like no other 2 year old, but gives the sweetest little kisses 2 minutes later. She tells me "you look bootiful, mommy" almost every day, and never misses a "thank oo", "bess oo" or "I love joo". She doesn't know all of her colors, but she knows purple, can count to 13, and is starting to recognize letters. Here is an interview with a princess:
Is your name Stella Jane or Stella Bella? STELLA JANE!
Stella Jane What? STELLA JANE.......PWINCESS.
What is your favorite color? PU-PULL
What is your favorite food? EGGS; CHICKEN [I would say the real answer is blueberries raspberries, strawberries, and raisin bran]
What is your favorite TV Show? DORA!
Can you count? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, FUTEEN, FUTEEN, FUTEEN......DAH-VEE TEACH ME!
They have been begging me to let them wear their "princess dresses" since Aunt Jill's wedding. I figured I would let them wear them one night and take them somewhere pretty for pictures at the park. The other night, we had free time after dinner, so I just let them wear them around the backyard. Who needs a pretty park? These girls make the weeds look pretty. They had so much fun chasing each other in those little dresses. Maybe next time we'll go to the park...or maybe not. Is your name Stella Jane or Stella Bella? STELLA JANE!
Stella Jane What? STELLA JANE.......PWINCESS.
What is your favorite color? PU-PULL
What is your favorite food? EGGS; CHICKEN [I would say the real answer is blueberries raspberries, strawberries, and raisin bran]
What is your favorite TV Show? DORA!
Can you count? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, FUTEEN, FUTEEN, FUTEEN......DAH-VEE TEACH ME!

Lots of love,
Interview with a Princess
six months old
When you are six months old.....
- rolling over is scary stuff. [J started rolling from front to back at 5 months and back to front at 6 months. The first time he rolled to his stomach he got very, very quiet so I picked him up, and he then started screaming, poor little sweetie. He now rolls regularly on to his stomach, and then screams for me to "save him." ]
- you think your sisters are HYSTERICAL! You would let them lay on you, lick you, bite you (no joke), and you would continue to laugh at everything they do. [We recently found bite marks on Jeremy's hand, and I later saw Stella in action biting the baby. He never stopped smiling...]
- food is strange and new and yucky and fabulous, depending on your mood. [J's first taste of food was on the way to NC at an Arby's - Daddy fed him apple sauce. Since then he has had bananas, sweet potatoes, rice cereal, and ice cream.]
- road trips are fine, as long as your belly is full, and vacations are fun as long as there is a bouncy seat to boune in! [J's first vacation was to Outerbanks. He was totally fine for the 10+ hour trip as long as we would stop immediately to feed him when he decided he was hungry. He loved the pool on vacation, was super pleasant no matter where he was, and LOVED bouncing in his little seat so much I was worried he might catapult himself across the room]
Being the mommy of a 6 month old means:
- sweet potatoes on your pants and spit up on your shirt
- peeking in to check on nap time to be rewarded with the biggest gummy smile in the world
- letting go of the bassinet and having baby in the same room (sniff, sniff!)
- getting drenched at bath-time even though there is only an inch of water in the tub (that baby likes to kick!)
- having a little buddy cling to your hair / shirt / face at all times :)
Happy 1/2 birthday Remy Axwell (in the words of your sister, you know, the one that bites you)
Lots of love,
six months old
sing and count with Stella!
I have been kicking my self for not taking more videos of Stella Bella lately. She is talking more and more each day, loves to sing, and is just learning to count. It all goes by so fast! I really need to get a video of her and Sylvie singing "Doe, a deer". It's the cutest!! But for now, here is part of Stella's favorite lullabye:
And here is some more singing, and some counting:
Lots of love, Keri
And here is some more singing, and some counting:
Lots of love, Keri
sing and count with Stella!
swimming Sylvie
We have a little fishy in our house now. Swim classes are amazing to me. Here is Sylv on day 3 of her 8 day class:
Lots of love, Keri
Lots of love, Keri
swimming Sylvie
guaranteed to make you smile!
Jeremy gets in silly moods these days and will laugh at just about anything sometimes. This video was from 2 weeks ago...I could watch it all day :)
Lots of love,
Lots of love,
guaranteed to make you smile!
the boxer
Isn't he the cutest?! You'd never know that cutie pie could stir up such trouble.
Mr. cutie pie has decided he will no longer take bottles. We found out while Daddy was home with him and a bottle, which he absolutely refused to drink. He screamed. and screamed. and screamed. oops.
I made it my mission to get him to take a bottle, but he is a fighter. He swings those arms like a boxer and fights hard with all those chubby fingers and gummy gums. No way, no bottle!
We've tried a new kind of bottle, but with all that fighting, you can't really get the bottle near his mouth....hmm...not sure what the next step is. Sippy cups? Wait him out? I don't know. He's a persistant little thing. And man, he has a great smile....when his belly is full :)
Lots of love,
Mr. cutie pie has decided he will no longer take bottles. We found out while Daddy was home with him and a bottle, which he absolutely refused to drink. He screamed. and screamed. and screamed. oops.
I made it my mission to get him to take a bottle, but he is a fighter. He swings those arms like a boxer and fights hard with all those chubby fingers and gummy gums. No way, no bottle!
We've tried a new kind of bottle, but with all that fighting, you can't really get the bottle near his mouth....hmm...not sure what the next step is. Sippy cups? Wait him out? I don't know. He's a persistant little thing. And man, he has a great smile....when his belly is full :)
Lots of love,
the boxer
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