
Jeremy's birthday (with ALL of the videos!)

And when you kiss me
On that midnight street
Sweep me off my feet
Singing ain't this life so sweet
"This Year's Love"   ~ David Gray
     That David Gray CD has been playing in Jeremy's room for the past few months now, and when I hear the songs I think of the time spent so anxious for his arrival, organizing tiny baby boy clothes into drawers (no tutu's!), decorating the room with the girls, and now, of nights rocking and feeding our sweet little man. I think I picked that CD in hopes he'd be a mellow little addition to our chaotic house, and that remains to be seen.
     We were supposed to be at the hospital first thing in the morning on February 2nd, which happened to be in the middle of an ice storm.  It was no surprise based on all of the storms we had in the weeks leading up to that day, but the ice left me worried about all of the family traveling to meet Jeremy and take care of the girls, worried about us being able to travel to the hospital safely, and worried the c-section would be postponed - I was beyond ready to meet baby J by that point. 
     Luckily, everyone had safe travels, including our wonderful doctors.  Jeremy was kicking with power even as we were getting checked into the hospital, and Daddy got to feel a few last kicks with his hand on my belly.  The delivery was delayed an hour or two because someone else needed an emergency c-section, but this time around both Dr. Tucker and Dr. Touey performed the surgery, which made me VERY happy to have 2 wonderful doctors looking over us.   I was concerned about being nauseous like I was with Stella, but they gave me LOTS of IV fluids and some medicine to boost my blood pressure, so other than a brief period right as surgery began, I really felt very good.

Jeremy's Arrival:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAqQpMbw_Hc

     Jeremy came out looking strong and healthy (although I didn't see him for a few minutes), and screamed right away, thank goodness.  I thought he looked so tiny, but he was a nice, healthy 8 lbs 2 oz.  John brought him over when Jeremy was all cleaned and wrapped up, and we had a few nice minutes as a family before we got wheeled off in different directions.

Jeremy in the OR:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A6IbhMhHBsM

Jeremy with the nurse:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wt6hM_VrwjA

Jeremy diapered:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Qw7R7crueo

     I spent a few hours in recovery, waiting for my toes to wiggle so I could be released, but it felt like a few weeks.  The nurses in recovery were very attentive and hysterical, but that didn't make up for the fact I barely knew what my son looked like and hadn't held him yet.  Finally, I got to go to my room and meet little Jeremy.  He is so sweet.  He seemed to know exactly how to eat from the first minute, which made things so much easier for me.  We took a few minutes to decide on his name, and agreed on Jeremy Maxwell Tex.

Jeremy and Mommy:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NISSLhUHMA8

     In the hospital, I had all of the same wonderful nurses as when I delivered the girls, and Jeremy had the same fabulous nurses that took care of his sisters.  With very few  exceptions, those nurses were incredibly kind, patient, and responsive.  The night nurses went above and beyond with Jeremy.  One night they spent a long time trying to get his little hand and foot prints done in the light blue ink I brought for his keepsakes.  Apparently the ink, although a beautiful color that exactly matched the frames that would hold the hand and foot prints, was not very good ink.  Add that to the fact that it is nearly impossible to get a good handprint of a newborn, who keeps his tiny hands curled up, and those nurses were facing mission impossible.  They came back with several hand and foot prints for me to choose from!  The nurses frequently joked that they'd keep Jeremy in the nursery anytime I wanted, because when he woke up, they only knew he was awake because his eyes were open.  No screaming.  That was before my milk came in.
   By a few days later, Jeremy insisted on eating every 2 hours, and any delays resulted in definite screaming.  I was always incredibly happy to see him get wheeled into my room though, even sleep deprived at 3 in the morning.  It is amazing how a sweet little baby trumps any fatigue or pain.  By the time we left the hospital, J was already gaining back the weight he lost. 
     Sylvia was instantly in love with Jeremy.  Stella was confused by it all, but by the time we came home she lovingly accepted him as her brother and continues to refer to him only as "Brudder". (I occasionally get flashes of Lost's Desmond...."Brother")
     The day J was delivered there were about 7 other deliveries with a few other babies already in the nursery.  Almost all of them were boys.  We kept a very close eye on our Jeremy, and John was especially concerned when we saw a list of the other family names and noticed a family by the name of "Fox".  He figured one small handwriting error between Fox and Tex could leave us with the wrong baby!  Although he spent a little time hunting for that Fox baby in the nursery, we never saw him, and are 100% confident that we brought home our sweet baby Jeremy  :)

leaving the hospital part one:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=18WyQO8hvDk

leaving the hospital part two:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lf9QcdUT0Bo

leaving the hospital part three:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SPTZXb03jlM

Lots of love, 