Sooo many milestones came so fast little girl! Just before Christmas, on the day you saw Santa for the first time (and smiled your little heart out), Aunt Sarah noticed your first tooth. You were about 7.5 months, and Santa just loved you, even though you tried to pull his beard off - it was real honey!! That was also the first time I heard you say "Mama" in your babbling way on our way to cookie decorating :)

About a month after that you started clapping and in the last month or so, you suddenly have three more teeth, with another that is close. Aunt Sarah found a few of those too - she is good at that! After months of crawling backwards and other unsuccessful ways, you finally got it all together about 2 weeks ago (age 9.5 months), and you are an expert now. You are also getting pretty good at walking with a walker, and you just love to stand up and let go of things for a few seconds at a time. "Look Mom and Dad, no hands!!"

You were sick for the first time last week. No big deal, thank goodness, just a bit of a fever and a rash. I'm pretty sure it was Roseola, and I'm pretty sure Sylvie had the same thing at your age. We had your regular doctor visit last Friday, and you are 28.5 inches long and 17.12 pounds, which is only 11% in weight. Really, I do feed you. Actually, they were a little surprised that you don't feed yourself yet. We need to work on that one little peanut - ok?