
fields of hippos

Sylvie and I had a great day playing outside in the beautiful weather. She got Daddy's golf itch and spent the morning practicing her swing....actually she spent about 2 minutes practicing her swing, another 2 minutes looking for sticks, another 2 minutes trying to "juggle like Daddy"....and so on. I wish I had her energy these days!! I really need to get some video of Sylvia singing. She is so funny with her songs now. She likes to practice for when baby sister gets here. She has big plans to sing lots of songs and read lots of books to her little sis. Today she was singing "I'm a Little Tea Pot, Here's my shorts!" Soooo funny!
She has become super opinionated lately, which can be really funny or really frustrating depending on where we are and what we are doing. The other day on the way to school she insisted she saw "a whole bunch of hippopotamus." I'd swear they were cows, but she saw hippos. "No mommy! no cows! HIPPOPOTAMUS!!" :)


"Hello Mr. Mailman!!"

The moment before I took this photo, Sylvia was cuddling so cutely with her daddy and baby. Oh, well. You can imagine it.
She was resting with Daddy after playing in her new house that we set up in the dining room. Her favorite thing to do is to take naps inside the house. John was pretending to be the mailman and deliver her mail, and she thought that was great. She called him "Mr. Mailman" for the next day or so.Sylvia's independence / stubborness has increased significantly lately. These photos were taken while John was trying to convince her to lay back to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. That has never been an issue....until the last week or so. Welcome to the land of a 2 year old!