
exploring acorns

So long since I wrote on here!! Stella, at 4 months you rolled from your back to your front and at 5 months you went from your belly to your back (a little different than most babies do it, but you definitely have your own style :) I can't wait for you to talk. You are very feisty and often yelling - sometimes just for fun. I am convinced you have something VERY important to say.

On November 6th you turned 6 months and we first gave you cereal. It started well, but we have had some issues lately involving Daddy getting covered in baby puke, so we'll be taking this food stuff SLOWLY, and you seem to have lost interest in it all together, so it may take a while before you are eating all those new fruits and veggies!!
Today you had your first time in a "real" swing (loved it!!) and your first time playing in leaves (not too sure about that). I had so much fun taking your pictures with Sylvie - you girls are so cute and amazing to watch as you try things for the first time.

Sylvie, you had a busy day. You started with your standard miniwheats, which has been your breakfast of choice for the last month or so. You requested "orange juice in a sponge bob cup" as you do every day. Unfortunately, we're out of orange juice and you know what Mommy always says about the cups ("You get what you get, and you don't get upset!"). You seem to be ok with that saying, because although you request that sponge bob cup EVERY DAY, you don't seem to really care what you end up using.We went to the park and you were very tolerant letting me take 1002 photos. You're no longer afraid of the slides or the ramps with holes or anything else - my brave little 2 yr old. You even snuck up the ladder yourself when I wasn't looking. The only part you didn't like was leaving. You wanted to "explore the acorns" and "fall on the leaves" a little longer. I think you'd have stayed all day!

This evening, after we put Stella to bed, you "built a deck" with your blocks. You told me that your favorite part of the day was drawing on the big paper that Daddy brought home for you to color with crayons (his old drawings from work). That was probably Stella's favorite part too. I let her play with the edge of the paper as you colored so she could practice sitting, and she LOVED crumbling up your creations (sorry Sylvie!).

Love you both and will try to update more often :)


swing time

Today was so much fun. The weather was perfect, and we enjoyed it. This morning I took Sylvia to check out a "pre" Pre-school. She loved it, so that's a go. She then played with play dough until our backyard picnic. Tonight I asked her what her favorite part of the day was and she said "Playing with Stella's new swing". Translation: Sylvia's old noisy swing that I brought up from the basement.

I was a little worried about even using the swing because I remember Sylvia getting scared of the noises, but Stella just loves the noises and whacks the toys like she is playing "whack-a-mole". She does not like actually swinging in it, and does not relax there at all, but she does like sitting up and hitting the toys that are attached. Sylvia likes it because she trys to sing along with the music. An even bigger success than I knew; it was definitely not what I expected Sylvie to say was her favorite thing of the day. When she asked me, I told her that my favorite thing was watching her walk up to the nursery school director and saying "Hi, my name is Sylvia." I think she said it a few more times too during the tour as she walked holding the lady's hand. I can't believe she is only 2!When I asked her what the worst part of the day was, she said crying.
me: but I don't think you cried at all. Sylvia: no, Stella crying! ha! When Stella was crying in her bouncy seat today, Sylvia offered to change her into a chicken with her magic wand. I requested she turn her into a smiling baby, but Sylvia said no. She told me my only options were a crying baby or a mad baby.
Sweet Stella definitely had her happy moments today too. She is getting much better with tummy time, and will even smile now as she holds her head up - at least for a minute or two. She almost rolled back to front the other day, even though she hasn't gone front to back yet....That little girl is determined to be mobile asap. I just want her to stay my little baby.

farm concerts

The other day Sylvia was playing very quietly with her toys while I fed Stella. Then suddenly, she proclaimed very loudly, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!". I turned around to see her kazoo concert of "Twinkle Star" to a collection of farm animals. Too cute!!


Sylvie gets her hair cut

Sylvia and I had a girl's day today. We both got trims at the neighbor's house, and we took photos and video because it was Sylvia's first haircut :) She felt like a princess, thanks to neighbor Kristine, the hairdresser. Videos to come later, but here is a photo:

3 months old

Father's Day photos:
Time flies! I can't believe it has been over 3 months since we brought little Stella home. I remember just after she was born, the nurse was trying to tell Dr. Touey something, and he said "I just can't hear you, I'm holding a screaming baby here!". There is nothing like hearing those loud healthy screams from your child for the very first time, and it seems like it was really just yesterday! I think we have lots of video to share from that day (although I only just charged my battery from my video camera today for the first time since then, so I will have to post that later.)

For now I wanted to post a photo of my smiling little 3-month-old, who now sleeps 6 or 7 hours in a row each night (yay!), loves going to story times with her big sister (loves just watching her big sister!), and spends her days giving the best, huge, gooey smiles:


fields of hippos

Sylvie and I had a great day playing outside in the beautiful weather. She got Daddy's golf itch and spent the morning practicing her swing....actually she spent about 2 minutes practicing her swing, another 2 minutes looking for sticks, another 2 minutes trying to "juggle like Daddy"....and so on. I wish I had her energy these days!! I really need to get some video of Sylvia singing. She is so funny with her songs now. She likes to practice for when baby sister gets here. She has big plans to sing lots of songs and read lots of books to her little sis. Today she was singing "I'm a Little Tea Pot, Here's my shorts!" Soooo funny!
She has become super opinionated lately, which can be really funny or really frustrating depending on where we are and what we are doing. The other day on the way to school she insisted she saw "a whole bunch of hippopotamus." I'd swear they were cows, but she saw hippos. "No mommy! no cows! HIPPOPOTAMUS!!" :)


"Hello Mr. Mailman!!"

The moment before I took this photo, Sylvia was cuddling so cutely with her daddy and baby. Oh, well. You can imagine it.
She was resting with Daddy after playing in her new house that we set up in the dining room. Her favorite thing to do is to take naps inside the house. John was pretending to be the mailman and deliver her mail, and she thought that was great. She called him "Mr. Mailman" for the next day or so.Sylvia's independence / stubborness has increased significantly lately. These photos were taken while John was trying to convince her to lay back to rinse the shampoo out of her hair. That has never been an issue....until the last week or so. Welcome to the land of a 2 year old!


The Potty Train

The warm weather has been wonderful, and even though we narrowly missed a hail storm (and a tornado?), we have been enjoying the weather any way that we can. Sylvia still loves the swings and now goes down the slide all by herself. She did that a little bit in the fall, but was much more hesitant. She's also been enjoying her new "Bicycle" and loves when I let her eat lunch outside. We're looking forward to using her new table and chair set and the swimming pool / sandbox in the back yard.

She makes me laugh so often lately. The other day she woke up from nap and asked if she could get on the "potty train". I think her new book that mentions potty-training must have caught her attention. The one song in the book is called "Stinky, stinky, diaper change", which makes her giggle uncontrollably - the best sound in the world :) She laughed that same belly laugh in the car the other day when her Daddy thought she said Geez or Cheese when she really said "Trees". Soooo funny.
Yesterday in the car I was listening to KYW, and when the sports summary came on she said "Tiger Woods! Mommy, Tiger Woods!". It was so funny, because I had no idea she was paying attention. I asked her if she knew what Tiger Woods does. "Yes, Mommy........GRRRRRRR". She does a very good impression of a tiger :)


Sylvia's birthday fun

Things have been busy and I have been EXHAUSTED, so updates here are a little less frequent. Sylvia had a wonderful 2nd birthday and a successful 2 year check-up. She is a little small (between 10% and 20% for height & weight), and she is still terrified of the table where they weigh, measure, and examine her, but fortunately we don't have to go back for another year. On her birthday night, we had dinner at McDonald's with Brock, which she was thrilled about...both because Brock was there and because she got a toy with dinner :) Last weekend, she had her big birthday party with lots and lots of family, and although she ended the night deliriously tired, she had a great time. She had no memory of us getting her ready for bed that night and she woke up the next morning thrilled because she had on new PJ's. She asked me if she could have another party that next day....um, no.
I had my 34 week appointment today and am measuring exactly 34 cm - which is right on target. That is exactly how I measured with Sylvia too. The baby has had lots of hiccups lately....hmm....just like Sylvie. I am a little anemic, which may be adding to the super sleepy state I'm stuck in. I think if I could sleep 12 hours every night, and take a 2 hr nap each day, I might feel rested. Oh well, we're in the home stretch now. 5 weeks left....or less!


Potty Training Princess

In the last few weeks, Sylvia has grown in sooo many ways. She is suddenly more interested in potty-training, and has had several successful underpants trials. I find myself repeating "don't pee on Elmo!" (check out her Elmo underpants!) So far, so good. Unfortunately, she has also slammed head first into the "terrible two's". I thought she was in them weeks ago. Um, no. She now throws full blown temper tantrums, sprawled out on the floor of wherever we may be. She is as stubborn as they come. Luckily, her fits pass quickly, and she is sweet as pie minutes later. "I love you mommy. I help you!" she says, all smiles :)
I'm finally feeling better from a horrible cold, so hopefully I'll have time to post some of the photos and videos that I have. Little baby is doing well. I have my 32 wk check-up on Monday. Her name has most likely changed again. I think if I was pregnant for 23 months I would change my mind 23 times. Luckily, in less than 2 months, we will have a name that sticks! Sylvia has been the only one consistent in naming baby sister. I guess we should just call her "Tinkerbell".


naming tinkerbell

This was taken the day I sent an e-mail to John saying that I had "named the baby.....again". The first time I had said that phrase, the baby was to be "Isabel Riley", which became "Tinkerbell" when I told Sylvia. This "new" name is one that John has liked from the very beginning, so once I came to the same conclusion, it seems we have finally named our Tinkerbell. (although I have friends who changed their baby's names on the way to the hospital to deliver, so you never know :)

All along the way, through the searching of baby name books and on-line resources, I have had fun testing out the names on Sylvia. This one stuck with her pretty quickly, so I pulled out my video camera. I didn't realize, that she learned the name so well, that she would spill the beans to anyone who asked later.


weekend with "grammy lou"

John made plans for us to spend Valentine's weekend in Philly, and we had soooo much fun. We haven't done things like that very often, but always say that we should try to fit in more "date nights", because we always do have a great time. We had a nice dinner at Mission Grill and had lots of fun bowling, which I almost didn't get to do :( First, they weren't going to let me in to the place, which served alcohol, because I didn't have ID. Then, when I pointed out that I would obviously not be drinking (check out the belly, dude!), Mr. Bouncer with too much authority decided I wasn't allowed to bowl because I was pregnant. John and I had just taken a taxi trip from our hotel specifically to go bowling, and I am super emotional right now, so I was in no mood for crazy rules set by the door guard. Anyway, he changed his mind, and we had lots of fun. We decided I would get a 50 point handicap based on the scores we hoped to get, and John still kicked my butt the first game. I think he got a 159!! (I didn't break 100)! I did a little better 2nd game, and with my handicap, beat John by a little. We're tied now, so we definitely have to have a re-match.
We stopped for brunch at a crepery on Penn's campus on the way back home, and then very happily returned to our sweetie, who was waiting at home with Grammy (who was super nice to offer to baby-sit :) I'm pretty sure Sylvia did not mind that we were gone one bit, which is great. I love knowing that she is having so much fun when we're not around. She recently got in the habit of referring to her Grammy's as "Grammy" and "other Grammy". I'm not sure which was which, but I decided to teach her "Grammy - Mary Lou" and "Grammy - Donna" as an alternative. I grew up with a Grandmom Shirley and a Grandmom Alice, so it makes sense to me.
Sylvia picked up the names right away, but sometimes shortens Grammy - Mary Lou to Grammy Lou, in her cute little Sylvie way. Here they are at the start of their fun weekend, filled with books, baths, and princess clothes. Thank you Grammy Mary Lou!


song time with Sylvie

itsy bitsy, followed by a "Ba-Ba Black Sheep / ABC" medly

too cute!


soupy smiles

This was from a month or two ago. It was the first time Sylvia ever had tomato soup, which I put some crackers in. This video is just simply, "typical Sylvie" to me. She makes the littlest things so funny. I love that she will say "excuse me chair" when she wants to get through and become angry when it doesn't move. I love that she puts hats on her stuffed elephant, and then when she thinks they look funny, she laughingly says "silly Elephant!".

And I love that when she can't find something, like crackers in her soup, she calls out to them...."where are you crackers??"


happy durr-day to daddy!!

Even though Sylvia has been home all week sick (luckily the fever seems to have broken today), she still had more energy than me. She knew today was Daddy's birthday and asked a few times to sing for daddy. Here are the results:

Take 1:

Take 2:

Take 3:

Happy Birthday John! I love you!!!


look dad - green hands!

This was the night that Sylvia's tricky friend, Dillan, must have secretly told her how to escape from her crib. After she saw his big-boy bed that night, she climbed out of her crib the next night. hmmmm....and they look so sweet and innocent as they plot their schemes!
Actually, I think Sylvie was the only one up to tricks. We thought she was playing quietly in the next room - she was actually giving herself a full body tatoo.
Note who has the messy belly and who has the clean belly:
Look Dad, Green Hands!! :)


little baby updates

We are officially in the third trimester (yeah!), and all is going well. I passed the diabetes test, and all of the lab tests look good. Now, I just have to track movements each day and am visiting the doctor every 2 weeks, which means we are approaching the finish line. I cannot believe how fast this is going. I have about a year's worth of work to fit into less than 2.5 months of work - not looking likely at this point :)

We also unofficially have a name for baby, although not sharing at this point. Everytime I tell someone what we're thinking, the name falls off the list for one reason or another, so for now, we're staying quiet. We discussed many little girl names, but this is the only one so far that we both think sounds "right". Sometimes names are beautiful, but just not right for "our baby." Some that were seriously considered by one or both of us:
and a few dozen (or hundred?) others....choosing a name for someone else, who will be associated with that name FOREVER is just not that easy!

p.s. John is at his first Hockey session tonight. He's been looking forward to it for weeks. I'm looking forward to knowing that he is back here safe and in one piece. As Sylvie would say "Be Careful Daddy!!"


puppy love

Sylvia doesn't normally go to daycare on Fridays, but she made a special appearance yesterday for the Valentine's party. I chased her around the house before she left trying to get a few good photos where she was smiling, my camera was flashing (not always the case these days), and there was nothing blocking her face, such as Clifford the Big Red Dog. No east feat!
Her first response when John told her that it was my birthday was "March, 1!". "Yes Sylvia, your birthday is in March and you are 1. How old will you be in March?" "2!!!". We repeated this exchange every time my birthday was mentioned.

Friday morning, she and John sang Happy Birthday. Her version went like this: "Happy Birthday to Mommy, Happy Birthday to Daddy, Happy Birthday to Sylvia, Happy Birthday to Mommy!"
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!


baby sister update

There's nothing earth-shattering to report, but all is going well. I had lots of blood tests and the gestational diabetes test yesterday and should know the results on Monday at my next appt. The diabetes test seemed worse last time around. It basically just involves two blood tests and a drink in between that tastes like McDonald's orange drink. I had memories of it being disgusting, but it wasn't that bad, and I've been through far worse.

Besides feeling super exhausted, things are good, so I can't complain. I get my Rhogam shot on Monday, which is needed because of the difference in John and my blood types. I can't believe I'll be that far along already (28 wks!). I had been a little concerned because almost all of the movements I had felt these past few months are more like rolls and turns as opposed to kicks. However, it seems that baby had a growth spurt at 27 weeks, because I have felt several kicks over the last week, and luckily, John got to feel some too. Yes, the baby has legs! Peace of mind.

We have been refering to the baby as "Baby Sister" in the style of Berenstain Bears. The teachers asked me last week if we were naming her "Dawn". Sylvia's first response when asked the baby's name is almost always "John", which they were misinterpreting. Anyone there who takes Sylvia seriously either believes we are naming the baby Dawn, John, or Tinkerbell. The name is undetermined at this time, but I'm pretty sure those names are all out of the running. It is kind of funny to me that with Sylvia, we had her name picked out far in advance, but didn't really tell people. This time around, I have been telling everyone our thoughts, but we keep changing our minds, so everything I've told people will probably change. Maybe if we keep our mouths shut, we will be able to settle on a single name for this little darling:) We're always open to suggestions - at least for the next 10 or 11 weeks!

How now GREEN cow!

Last week John went on another one of his glamorous business trips. No, it wasn't another landfull - this time he went to a few different dairy farms with lots of cows. I think I will buy him a mask for his birthday :) Every time Sylvia was on the phone with him, she asked what color the cows were, and always asked if there were..... green cows? no. Yellow cows? no. brown cows? yes, and black and white. green cows? no. When John came home he brought her a surprise. A bank (which she she now has 3 of and absolutely loves putting money into), that was shaped like a green cow.
Yes Sylvia, there are green cows :)