
quick baby update

I'm feeling good, getting big, and the baby is moving around lots.  Sylvie, Aunt Chrissy, and Daddy have all felt him move so far, and I feel him a little stronger each day.  We got the bedding below [Migi Alphabet], and I love it.  Stella loves all the animals and Sylvie likes finding all the letters, so I think it is a hit.  As much as Stella would love to escape her crib NOW, we're not ready for that yet, so we'll save the bedding for when we are ready for her to officially move to the "big girl room". 

Lots of love, 


digging up the dahlias

It's not time yet, and the way the weather is today, I don't know when it will be time, but for those of you who have dahlias and want to save them for next year, here is the info I looked up and plan to use (from http://www.ehow.com/how_172132_dig-store-dahlia.html)

1.  Wait to dig up dahlia tubers until the foliage has turned brown in the fall. Cut the foliage down prior to digging, making sure to leave a few inches of stem above ground.

2.  Dig around the drip line of the dahlia with a shovel or spading fork. (The drip line is imaginary line around the outside perimeter of the foliage.) Dig carefully to avoid damaging the potato-like tubers.

3.  Lift the clump of soil gently so that the tubers are exposed. Shake out excess soil.

4.  Wash the clump of tubers under a gentle stream of water to remove the dirt, being careful not to damage the outside skin. Use a shower head instead of a strong jet sprayer hose attachment.

5.  Use a sharp knife or clippers to separate tubers into individual pieces, leaving a two-inch piece of stem on each one. If the stem is removed completely, the tuber will not sprout next season.

6.  Lay the prepared tubers on sheets of newspaper in a single layer. Allow them to air dry in a sunny location for one week.

7.  Dust the prepared tubers with sulfur powder to prevent fungus disease and rot. Sulfur powder is available at nursery supply stores.  [I'm thinking I may skip this step and see what happens...]
8.  Store tubers in a cool, dark, dry location. The tubers can be stored in single layers in a cardboard box or nursery flats lined with newspaper.  [I've also read that storing in old panty-hose works well.  I plan to keep mine in the garage.]

9.  Plant tubers in the spring after the soil has warmed. 

Sounds easy enough.  I am in no rush for the cool weather, (unlike a certain little munchkin) but I do love this time of year.  In the past few weekends we went to a beautiful fall wedding, a pumpkin patch, and a picnic in the park just as the leaves were at their very brightest.  That all makes for lots of fun pictures for some new posts....if only I had enough free time to sort through ALL the pictures AND write updates.....

a few of the never-ending questions / comments from my Sylvie girl:
- do stink bugs have belly buttons?
- why did that baseball player (Cody Ross) paint eyebrows on his cheeks?
- are there bones in your eyebrows?
- are there bones in your brain?
- why do Weebles wibble wobble, but they don't fall down?
- why does Aunt Chrissy call Uncle Mark "honey"?  (haha!) She asked that when she recognized "Somewhere over the Rainbow" on the radio as their wedding song.
- WHEN am I going to see Aunt Chrissy again?  (that lasts from the time she leaves until she returns :)
- Can Brock and Mama Mia come for dinner tonight?  (asked almost everynight)
- Mommy, mommy look!  (at the flags around the car dealership outside our car).  The flags are dancing to our music!!!

Sylvie and Stella both sing and dance to all music, and are convinced the whole world is dancing with them.

Lots of love, 



for Ally

Two years ago today, my dear friend lost her sweet little four year old, Ally.  Even though Ally spent much of her life in and out of hospitals, John and I were lucky to have had time spent playing games, dressing dolls, and painting pictures with little Ally.  I am so thankful to have known her and incredibly thankful for my own healthy children.

I get to spend every day with my kids and am so grateful.  By the end of the day I usually feel like I got run over by a truck and lately, I'm so tired I can't stand up.  The days are LOUD and sprinkled with temper tantrums and dirty diapers.  But the days are magical and filled with all of those little moments that we try to share on this site.  The girls grow and change each day, and I'm constantly impressed with how smart, funny, and loving they both are.  There is nothing like having them reach up to me, with their big, beautiful eyes and say "Mama".  I am so very thankful.

We miss you so much Ally.

Lots of love, 

Groundhog's Day

We had a routine baby doctor's visit tonight, and all is well.  John came with both girls, and the appointment was with Dr. Touey, so Sylvie got to meet the doctor who delivered her and Stella, and will most likely deliver baby boy.  John and I both have a list of "maybe" names we would consider - about 25 per list with some in common - so now we just have to get together and narrow them down.  So, we may not know his name quite yet, but his birthday will most likey be 2-2-11 according to the doctor and their process for scheduling c-sections.  Nothing is written in stone, or even on a schedule for that matter, but we may end up with a little groundhog's day baby :)

The heart-beat was loud and strong, and makes me incredibly happy each time I hear it.  I have my glucose test for diabetes in 3 weeks or so, and at my appointment in 4 weeks I'll get my Rhogam shot that is needed because John's blood type is positive and mine is negative.  And after that, it is just routine check-ups of blood-pressure, weight, belly measurements, and heart-beats at appointments every TWO weeks.  It just seems so soon to be going every two weeks; that means we are nearing the arrival of baby.  Yikes!!

Lots of love, 


the dancing tissue

Miss Stella is sitting on top of the world - or at least on top of the potty!  We've been putting her on there a few times a day, and that child knows what she is doing!  :)  I started Sylvie around this age too, but it was a sssssllllllooooowww process that took a huge step backwards when Baby Stella hit the scene, so I have had no plans to rush Stella - but she has been a super star.  And as proud as we are of her, no one is as proud as she is of herself.  (She has a very special little naked bottom dance that she does to celebrate).  Go Stella!!
We had lots of fun playing with Brock and Aunt "Ra-ra", as Stella says, this past weekend.  It was so nice to see Sylvie hanging with her best bud Brock as if they still see each other every week, even though it is more like once every month or two now. 

I have no issues doing whatever it takes to get a cute picture of the kids, including, but not limited to, tickling them with my feet, singing silly songs, and telling goofy jokes.  Here is the BEFORE JOKE picture:

And here are the AFTER JOKE pictures:

So why WAS the tissue dancing??

It had a little boogie in it!  ......whatever works, right?

p.s.  (to Brocky boy):  Sylvia was pulling spinach leaves off of my dinner plate and gobbling them up so that she'll be able to run faster than you by the next time she sees you - look out!

Lots of love, 


updated measurements

That last one is an actual quote.  Too funny!!
Lots of love,


Go Phillies!

We dressed in our Phillies clothes, took some Phillies photos to send to John, and ate "Phillies stew" for dinner - And it worked!  Yay for the No Hitter! 

The girls both like the excitement and high fives, but Sylvie actually does like watching the games. Then again, she likes watching ALL TV.  We both loved the commercial below and kept hoping it would play again.

Sylvie has been watching some shows on the Sprout channel lately, which unfortunately has commercials.  She only watches at most an hour, and on days when she has school, she doesn't see any TV.  However, she can quote, almost word for word the commercial for "Pillow Pets", which she has become obsessed with.  The other day at breakfast she said "Every child needs a pillow, why not make it a fun pillow?".  Oh my goodness, if I had her memory.  Santa Claus started shopping early this year, and we now have pillow pets hiding in the closet - she better not change her mind!  

She also loves Glee, but I only let her watch the performances on-line or listen to the songs - the show is not for 3 year olds.  I only caught bits and pieces of the first 2 episodes this year, but last night's episode was my favorite of the year, and one of my very favorites ever. 

The other day Sylvie had two play phones in her hands as she came up to me in her pretend mode. 
"Ugh, these people keep calling me on both phones.  When they call on this phone the blue tooth picks up, but now they're calling on this phone.  That's ok though, because this one is touch pad, and I LOVE touch pad, and you can change colors and stuff."  What?!!  Seriously, she is 3 years old!

Just in case you had an interest, here was our "Phillies Stew" (from Prevention Magazine called "Turkey, Sweet Potato and Cranberry Stew) for anyone who loves Thanksgiving food as much as I do!:
3 lb turkey drumsticks, skin removed (I used chicken, because that's what I had)
1 sm onion diced
1 T honey
1 T cider vinegar
1.5 tsp finely chopped fresh ginger (didn't have, didn't use)
1 tsp salt
0.5 tsp black pepper
1 c chk stock
1 lb sweet potatoes, peeled and chopped into 1 inch pieces
1/2 c dried cranberries

1. Combine turkey, onion, honey, vinegar, and stock in large slow cooker.  Cover and cook on low 5 hours.  Add potatoes and cranberries.  Cook until potatoes are tender, 45 minutes more. 
2. Remove turkey and pull meat from bones.  Pour one-quarter of the liquid into a small pot and whisk in flour until smooth.  Slowly whisk in remaining liquid.
3.  Toss meat, potatoes, and cranberries with gravy and reheat if necessary.  Yum!! 

Lots of love, 



mega milestones

Lots of great big milestones for the Tex family over the last few days.  1.  I felt the baby - with my hand on my stomach :)  I don't know if he has had a growth spurt or just been in a good position, but I felt baby boy from the outside while laying in my bed watching TV on Friday night...Yay!
Baby's first photo from when I was 12 weeks - he has grown so much:

2.  Sylvie felt the baby!  She was next to me Saturday afternoon when I started feeling those feisty kicks again, and after a few patient tries....success!  She was a bit weirded out, but is now excited for whenever the next time rolls around.
3.  Stella took her nap in her big girl bed today.  Sylvie has been BEGGING for Stella to take naps with her in the room they will soon share, and I gave in a few times last week.  Each time I tucked a little smirking Stella into bed and as soon as I would leave the room, she was up and about and ready to destroy the room.  Syvlie kept begging me to give her "JUST ONE MORE CHANCE!", but Stella ended up in her crib each time...until today.  Both girls took great naps in the same room.  Now, Sylvie is begging for me to let Stella sleep the night in there....one step at a time.  I am not in a rush to set Stella free from her crib!
4.  Stella went pee pee on the potty!!  Before bath-time, just as I used to do with Sylvia, I have been putting Stella on her little potty.  She never lasted more than 2 seconds until tonight, when she actually sat there 5 minutes or so until she went.  Stella was very confused about what happened, but you would have thought Sylvie won the lottery.  She kept shouting "oh, my goodness, Yay, Stella, Yay!"  Every teeny tiny potty-training milestone MUST be celebrated :)

(The photos in this post are just a few from over the summer that I never got around to organizing or posting.)

Lots of love, 