

Jeremy had some big milestones this weekend.  He had his first full out cold, complete with runny nose, yucky cough, and fever.  Thankfully he is definitely on the mend and doing much better.  The cold was a gift from Stella who had received it from Sylvia.  Who says they don't share! 

Anyway, I had walked into his room to get him after nap on Saturday, and he was sitting up playing with one of his stuffed animals.  I'm not sure when babies normally do that, but it was a first for him, and he was very proud.

A few times this weekend he has made some crawling motions.  He has been getting up on all fours for some time now, but he moved forward a little bit with both his hands and knees.  He doesn't get far, but he is happy to practice - even in the bath tub, which by the way, Jeremy is a super sweet and happy baby, but never happier than when he is splashing and bouncing in the tub.  I definitely need a little video of that!

He fed himself a few puffies and other crunchy things.  That has happened a few times before, but this was with no one encouraging - all on his own.

And finally, he drank a little bit of juice out of a straw cup.  I went back to putting a little bit of food on the end so he would suck that off instead of biting the straw, and it worked.  a little.  but he wasn't impressed.  baby steps.

Below is a collage of the photos from Grammy Lou's recent birthday party.  Lots and lots of fun, and next year will only be that much more fun.  Can't wait :)

Lots of love, 